Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Toronto Blue Jays may have just made the biggest trade in baseball history.  Fans really need to come support this team now.  After all we have to pay the 150 million they just picked up in salary.

People look at you odd when you are a dude singing "Scrubs" by Destiny's Child.

NHL: lockout - 0/10

If you are the type of person that gets mad at an associate at a retail store because they don't have something in stock that you are looking for.  You should be kicked in the groin.

Sara and I are going to a Bed and Breakfast this weekend in Shelbourne to continue our Bruce Trail trek.  The guy that owns the place is a former chef, and will be preparing a beautiful meal for us.  He drops us off at the start of the trek, and prepares our breakfast before the hike. Can't really beat service like that.  Also if I won the lottery this would be the start of my blog every time.

Spanish is going fairly smoothly.  When the teacher speaks to me in Spanish though it sounds like the Charlie Brown teacher.

Mumford and Sons, and  Of Monsters and Men should get into a hipster canoe together near Algonquin Park and fight bears for a living.  That should keep them from making crappy music for a while.

 Even if I really enjoy a song, as soon as it becomes a commercial I instantly hate it.

It's ridiculous that Remembrance Day is not a holiday.

When I attempted to spell check ridiculous it gave me supercilious as the only spelling option. 

There's nothing manly about putting hand cream on when you are a dude, but it's a necessary evil.  Even when they call it a man hide on the commercials it's still not tough.

Holiday Party is coming up very shortly.  The one thing about working with a younger group, the Holiday Party is a party.

Call of Duty Black Ops came out a couple of days ago.  In other news Red Bull and Doritos sales are on the rise.

The two places you will hear the organ.  Going to Church and going to a Doors concert.  Coincidence I think not.

Fist bump or handshake, just be consistent.

Have you ever listened into a conversation where two people weren't listening to each other and were talking about two completely different topics?  It's very strange and confusing.

When the bathroom stall door doesn't open for you.  Before you try to push it more aggressively look for feet under the door.  Don't keep pushing the door.  This is a simple life lesson for stupid people.

Oscar Salazar is a very good name for a Spanish person.  

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