Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Everybody knows what a jailbreak is, correct?  Well welcome to my Black Friday morning.  twenty customers coming at me for IPAD's, and I only had one gun.

Toronto fans finally have something to cheer about, the Argos!  That stinks!

Proud new owner of the board game Ticket to Ride.  Watch the show called Tabletop.  It has Wil Wheaton playing some board games with celebrities.  You might think boardgames are for nerds, and that may be so, but next time you are watching The Voice or whatever other crappy reality show that you are watching.  Think to yourself, would I be having a better time strategically building train tracks from Winnipeg to Portland? 

Peter Bishop from Fringe is slowly turning into Neo from the Matrix, Cool! (Derek Zoolander tone)

Draft beer makes brain foggy.

Flute solos in music are dicey.  Only so many Aqualong's out there. 

People at bowling alleys seem to hate their jobs. Here's an example.  He also wouldn't allow late friends to join our lane.  They had to have their own lane. 

"Can we have the lanes down at the other end."
"No, we need to put you in order."
"We just need to put you in order."
"Are the lanes reserved?"
"No, I just want to put you in order."
"Alright, thanks!"
"I put you on the other end."

Black Friday will hopefully be the successor to Boxing Day in retail.  There is nothing worse then getting up at 5am the day after Christmas to go into work and being harassed by people that have been waiting outside in -10 degree weather for three hours.

Which term is better?  White Girl Problems or First World Problems? 

I have caught myself swearing and groaning at the computer when I accidentally click on Itunes to open up.

There are a few sports you can look like you know what you are doing at, even if you aren't that great at them.  When you see me dribble a basketball you know instantly that I am terrible.

There is a whole station on XM about Fantasy Football.  This blows my mind, what's even worse is that I listen to it every so often.

Can you tell by talking to someone on the phone if they are big or not?

John Gibbons eh?  I will give him a small window of opportunity before scrutinizing.

I really enjoy that commercial that has the car that honks the horn when someone is doing something inappropriate.  I would love this technology to exist with some creepy people that I know.  The dude that goes in for the inappropriate hug when he barely knows the girl.  Or the guy that gives inappropriate compliments about a girls body with multiple people around. 

Don't send out pictures of any part of your body on your phone.  Is there ever a situation that this doesn't come back to haunt you.

The Wii U has come out with very little fanfare.  Remember the original Wii, and the madness that ensued for a full year after it's release.

I wish I had built in lip chap on my lips.  It's very tough to look manly putting it on.

You are not supposed to grocery shop hungry, this also goes for LCBO shopping while stressed out or angry.

I almost wish that I didn't watch the Tribe Called Quest documentary.  It's really hard to like Q-Tip after watching it.

Received a compliment at work the other day.  Was called Matthew McConaughey from Dazed in Confused with my brown leather jacket and beautiful moustache.  I also assume she was talking about my hidden six pack under my work shirt.

Come on spell check, you should know celebrity last names.

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