Wednesday, December 19, 2012

I have been doing this for the past few years, but this year I will give a little taste of the album with my favourite song from each album.

Top 5 Albums of 2012

5 - Polica - Give You The Ghost

Have you ever woke up in the morning with your mind in a fog, but you just have a feeling that it's going to be a great day.  Welcome to this whole album.  This album has a female vocalist that sounds like a female version of Jim James from My Morning Jacket.  Polica capitalizes on two things throughout this whole album.  The combination of beautiful vocals matched with great drum work.  They have filler guitar and synths that keep this album interesting through out.  I haven't quite heard an album like this that was lead by a female vocalist and I wish there was more music like this out there.  It doesn't just have a psychedelic,  a rock or an electronic feel.  It's kind of mixture of every one of the genres that does justice to bands such as Caribou and Daft Punk who have mastered the craft of the casual electronic vibe.  "Lay Your Cards Out" is the song that I have chosen as my personal favourite.

4. - Bear in Heaven - I Love You, It's Cool

Great follow up to their fantastic first album Beast Rest Forth Mouth.  It keeps up with the same feel of up beat electronic music.  Polica and Bear in Heaven would put on a great show together actually to think about it.  One of the things that Bear in Heaven has mastered is the complete album.  They have songs that flow perfectly into one another.  Every sound that you hear through out the album is well thought out and has a purpose.  The lead singer and guitarist keep the music on track through the album, and keeps it from straying to far off of the path.  They have multiple songs weaving into Pink Floyd territory, and also a few that wander into Radiohead land as well.  If you ever get a chance to see them live check it out.  They put on one of the best concerts that I have ever seen.  The song of choice is "Sinful Nature"

3. Divine Fits - A Thing Called Divine Fits

So this is what happens when you combine two of my favourite bands.  The lead singers of Wolf Parade and Spoon joined to form this band, and have made a fantastic album in the process.  They split time in front of the mic, and have different vibes with each person.  It's not very often that I put a huge amount of stock into the lead singers, but both vocalists can change the complexion of the song with just the way they singThere is a lot of '80s influence throughout this album.  We are talking Smith's or Talking Heads influence rather then Judas Priest or Iron Maiden influence though.  One thing that's brilliant about this album is how they know exactly when to throw the rock back into the album.  Just when you thought you were getting one thing they bring out some thrashing guitars and go in the opposite direction.  Album of the year up until the last two months.  "Baby Get Worse"  is my choice for the album

2. - Tame Impala - Lonerism

I was getting a little worried with the music coming this year, that is until this past month.  Two albums came out back to back that were both amazing in their own way.  What can I say about Tame Impala?  They have nailed the psychedelic vibe while never losing site that they are a rock band.  They sold out their Toronto concert in minutes.  People are starting to take notice.  Remember a band called the Beatles, well Tame Impala is the closest in vocals that I have heard to the Beatles ever.  This album from top to bottom never loses it's sense of where it needs to end up.  There are parts when you can bob your head to the soft melodies.  There are some parts when you can air drum or air guitar, and there are some parts when you can marvel at the electronic background.  This album has every single thing that I hope for in an album, and this band will not be going away.  Remember this band because out of all the bands that I am talking about today they will be the biggest success.  "Elephant" and "Mind Mischief" are the best two songs on the album, but there is a cool video for "Elephant" so that is the choice.

1. Grizzly Bear - Shields

From the first minute that I heard this album I knew I was going to love it.  I really needed to grow into the first few albums that Grizzy Bear came out with, but this album hit me in the face as soon as I first listened to the opening single.  There is no other band using the Beach Boys way of harmonizing now, that is except for Grizzly Bear.  They have three singers, all have a major part in the way that they sound.  What Grizzly Bear used to have problems with was keeping everything together.  Things would come apart within the song, and they would have a hard time putting it back together.  Welcome to "Shields,"  they have made a perfect album from top to bottom there is not a bad song.  They are able to keep the vibe that they have always been known for, and also add more user friendly brilliant music.  Currently they are the best band in the world making a lot of other bands look like children's music, by making a sound that has never been made before.  I saw them live at Massey Hall and they were amazing.  Band of the year, album of the year, and single of the year with "Yet Again."

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