Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Today is the 10th anniversary of Interpol's "Turn out the Bright Lights."  If you don't have the album, give it a download.  Here's a little taste.

I can't ever remember having three rookie quarterbacks having the success Andrew Luck, RG3, and Russell Wilson are having this year.  It's impressive, especially RG3, he doesn't have a lot of talent around him.  NFL is in good hands.

We sell a remote control car that goes 80mph.  Why?

Are people on more drugs now?  Or am I just noticing more and more crazy people?  The scary thing is most of these people have kids.  Good luck in the future planet Earth.

Lawless - 7.1/10
Looper - 8.8/10

Seeing Joseph Gordon Levitt transform into Bruce Willis was impressive.  Seeing Nick Cage transform into John Travolta, not as impressive.  Funny, but not impressive.

I am just figuring this out now, but honey badgers are tough as nails.

Sara and I have three trips booked this year.  We are going to the Everglades in Florida, Columbia, and the Grand Canyon this coming year.

15 degrees in December.  I don't think I have seen that one before.

Had a board game night recently at the families place in Oaktown.  Pandemic is a really good team work board game that involves you trying to save the world from a medical outbreak.  Daryl that was 24 years old, would have just shook his head at Daryl of 34 years old.

I remember thinking about people that were in their mid-30's when I was younger.  They were so old.

For some reason I haven't hit the point of only liking music that I grew up with.  When is this supposed to happen?  "What is this?  I don't know this.  Put Pearl Jam back on....

Currently we are open till 10pm at work.  Who is shopping for a new laptop or TV at 10pm?  "Honey, we should go out shopping for a new laptop before Letterman starts."

Do you know why you want a tablet?

Two sports I would love to join next year.  Curling and Broomball.  I have great memories of these two sports when I was younger.

One thing that I didn't like about living in a small town when I was younger.  Everybody knew everybody's business.  Divorces, break ups, accidents, jobs.  I also don't want to wave at everybody as I drive by.

One great quote that I saw today from another person's post.  'Women aren't vending machines where if you put in enough Nice, sex comes out.'  

I was watching some old Big Bang Theory episodes.  I can pinpoint when the show started going downhill.  When Walowitz became less creepy.  When he was the creepy nerd that was always trying to sleep with women, the show was at it's best and most realistic.  

At sci-fi conventions you get a lot of guys that just throw out their fishing line and hope that a woman gets snagged on to it. 

The whole Star Trek Next Generation crew minus Wil Wheaton is going to be at a con in March.  You can have a picture with the whole crew for, wait for it.  $399.99!!!!

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