Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Highlights of the Colombia trip.

- Spending a wonderful day with an owner of a coffee plantation's family, and being shown everything that needs to be done when you own a coffee plantation.  You have no idea how much work is involved with every cup of coffee you have.

- Being taken up a mountain on a milk truck road, and having a 22 km hike down the old mountain road while being surrounded by beautiful scenery of the mountains on each side.

- Staying at a bed and breakfast with an amazing couple that cooked us delicious dinners and breakfasts everyday. 

- Exploring a rarely used path, and finding our own hike to do through field pastures and walking down a gulley very similar to the one James Franco found himself stuck in 127 hours. 

People are extremely friendly, and always helpful when asking questions in our broken Spanish.  Every day we had a new adventure, and never had a dull moment staying at wonderful hostels and meeting new people.

 The only thing that I could complain about was an incident at the border.

Story:  Our flight arrives in Niagara Falls, NY at 1:00am.  80% of people on the plane are from Canada.  So Sara and I go and grab a coffee from Tim Horton's (roll up the rim, nice surprise,) and some gas.  We head to the border and see the lineup of cars is about 7 or so.  We inch along, and then all of a sudden a car goes past us thinking that there was another line for some unknown reason.  Once he realizes his mistake he throws on his left turn signal thinking for some reason that someone would let him into the border lineup.  Obviously everyone is annoyed, and he attempts to bully his way into the line TO styles.  Still everybody is close together and no one is budging.  So then he goes to the front of the line and tries to beat an Escalade to the position, almost running into him.  At this point he is right beside our car.  Sara puts down the window and promptly asks the idiot what he is doing?  He responds that it's not that big of a deal and to let him in.  She responds to get to the back of the line buddy.  He tells her that she needs medication and throws his car in reverse.  As he is going in reverse, people are honking, and you can hear yelling.  The border agent calls for a police car, and at that point we had been put through. 

If you want to get Sara fired up, bring up this story and it will work every time.
Who is ready for Blue Jays baseball?  If you guessed at the start of last year, what this years 5 starters would be for the Jays I will pay you with a big take off eh!

Have you ever sat beside someone that was fidgety on an airplane?  It can drive you slowly insane. 

Have you ever sat across the aisle from an old man that has drank too much vodka?  It's very entertaining.

Homer Simpsons voice in Spanish is not nearly as good as it is in English.  Bart's voice is actually better in Spanish though.

I come back to a clean car in Niagara Falls, followed by a snow storm in Hamilton.  You can blame me for the snow fall last night.

I have been gone for a week, and the only news that I received of any substance was that a rapper by the name Wall-E got upset and confronted the Raptor announcers that were saying that he wasn't as good as Drake. 

Receiving an email that says that a king has put 3.5 million dollars in my bank account was a nice surprise as well.  Thanks Dr. Zouco, how did this get to my spam account?  This seems to be very important.

It's funny to see texts from people that don't know that you are gone.  First they ask a question.  Then they ask if everything is alright.  Then they send question marks.  Then they get pissed that you aren't answering.  Then they send WTF. 

If you want to stop crime in the US just make them go through their customs and security in Fort Lauderdale 3 times a day for two years.  I guarantee they will be rehabilitated.

Jays opening day sold out under my nose. Also Tame Impala sold out.

Curtis Mayfield you are a soul god by the way.

Javier Bardem would always be my bad guy if I was directing any type of movie.  Good guy is still to be determined.

Leaf fans I promise I won't talk smack about your team until my Flyers start to play better.  Just one last shot, Tuukka Rask is pretty good eh?  I thought I saw Justin Pogge working at Sobey's here in Kitchener.

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