Monday, September 9, 2013

Went to the Toronto International Film Festival to see Oculus starring Karen Gillan and Katee Sackhoff last night.  Katee Sackhoff was at the opening, as were a few of the other actors that were in the movie.  Fantastic creepy movie, that had a real Shining feel to it.

Oculus - 8.9/10
World War Z - 5.5/10

One thing that I noticed about hipsters that I hadn't realized before.  They don't laugh.  They are generally trying to be wittier than the other person within the conversation.  The wittiness bar just increases and increases with no actual laughter.  It is tiring being with hipsters.

Driving home from Toronto there is nothing scarier than seeing those construction arrows cutting down the highway down to one lane.  It was actually more terrifying than the movie.  We got through the construction unscathed, but being in a traffic jam at 3am is one of my worst nightmares.

Matt Mays is playing an acoustic set later on in September at the Starlight for anybody that would like to join me in seeing him.

There are some contests that I was entering recently.  Having dinner with Justin Trudeau was one of them.  You are asked to donate to the Liberal party after you have entered the contest.  Is there anything worse than you can give your money to than a political party?  There are 6789 different charities that are more deserving of my money.

Bacon Wrapped Meatloaf, just thought I would throw that out there.

Why are there burgers that now have french fries on it?  Fries are always the side anyways.  Do you not have time to make two separate hand motions?  Maybe we should also throw the coke in there as well.

Sara was telling me that there are countries that she has visited that you can pay money to throw a grenade and blow up livestock.  I know that this isn't funny, but I still laughed.  Just the thought of blowing up a cow makes me laugh.

Oh the poor karaoke people that can't actually sing, but believe they can sing.  You poor souls.  "Oh, yes, bring up Frank again.  Oh he's going to sing Paradise by the Dashboard Lights?  Right on, that's only an eight minute song.  I am going to get a drink."

It's week one and my fantasy team has already made me angry.

 I sometimes think that I would like to live in Toronto.  Then I spend some time there.

Top 3 female athletes that terrify me.

3 - Serena Williams
2 - Venus Williams
1 - The Williams Sisters

At work recently I was talking to a customer that had just had a cigarette.  She was talking a little too close to me, and all I could smell was tobacco.  After talking to her I felt like I had a cigarette myself.  The taste was in my mouth until lunch time.  Gum was no match for the stale smoke out of this 50 year old woman that looked like she was 84.  She could be a tobacco mouthed Medusa.

Oh those are nice pictures of the sunset in Kitchener.  Please show me some more pictures like that. 

Watching somebody being dragged by a really fast lawnmower is something that I would like so see in my lifetime.

You always envision a bean bag chair as this comfy thing that you are going to be so productive on.  Meanwhile you sit on it for ten minutes.  Maneuvering for all ten minutes, and then say this stinks I am going back to the couch.  Then it loses it's beads on the floor somehow and you have to clean it up.  Don't buy a bean bag chair.

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