Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Apparently insomnia is increasing in the younger generation. This is due to not being able to shut their brains off or wind down.  Well apparently being able to shut my brain down is not a problem for me.  Just eat potato chips before bed.  It will put you to sleep.  Being a doctor is easy.

Have you ever attempted to download a video editing program for free?  You might as well walk through a dog park blindfolded.  This dog park also has ass**** owners that don't pick up their dogs poop. 

St. Patrick's Day was yesterday.  This is a pub's waitress worst nightmare.  All courtesy goes out the window and people are just staring at you like zombies from a fenced in yard.   

After the Olympics end.  The same thing always happens.  TSN thinks that since viewership was so great for curling during that time that they should play every curling event.  Then after a few months they realize that Canadians only really care about watching curling when there is a gold medal on the line.  I apologize to those people wearing Jennifer Jones jerseys right now.  You are in the minority.  Also do they sell curling jerseys?

How do you make Turkey chili?  You replace ground beef with ground turkey.

All is lost - 8.2/10

Great movie, very similar to Castaway.  Robert Redford is stellar in a one man performance.  It's so rare that you can actually feel yourself in the same situation that he is in while watching the movie. 

Baseball is about to start up.  What the hell did players do before Tommy John surgery?  Pitchers would be retiring daily. 

There is a tiny window of opportunity for the Jays.  They really need one of their young pitchers to step up and be a number two.  Drew Hutchison would be my choice to make that jump. 

I know a thing or two about rocking looks that have been gone from the scene for years.  I rocked a mullet way past it's expiry date.  You just can't rock that soul patch.  It's gone! 

We have gone through some spring cleaning in the house recently.  Why do I have so much stuff that is so useless?  Did I really think I was going to play Trivial Pursuit on the Wii?  You still have to read the damn question on the TV.  I saved myself the movement of the pie on the board and that's it.

Sara's brother dominated us on a board game night again.  I am beginning to run out of excuses why I haven't won in a while.  My next plan is to start adding more alcohol to his beer. 

People always tell me to give country music another chance.  New country is so much better than old country and blah, blah, blah.  As soon as I hear that twang in their voice I am out.  Anybody that hates country knows exactly what I'm talking about.

You know what's going to be awesome.  When I can go outside of my house again.  This winter is as long as a four part series on how your driver training teacher can eat so many chips and dip on a short 15 minute break.

Sorry Adam Sandler.  You have developed Eddie Murphy disease.  You are not humorous to to anybody that has an IQ over 50 anymore.  You must either transform into a serious actor or die a death of Gilbert Gottfried voice impressions.

Sara and I had an ultimate night of hipster glory recently.  Going to a vinyl store, then to a used book store, and finally to a pub to enjoy some micro brewery beer.  The complete opposite of this would be to go online and purchase the same records of Itunes, then go online and purchase the same books for their tablet.  And then ultimately go to Boston Pizza to enjoy a Budweiser on tap.  Which one sounds better to you? 

Most answers for the above question is the following: illegally download the music, I don't read books, and I have a case of beer at home.

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