Tuesday, March 25, 2014

I believe in Karma.  I believe in positive energy.    There is nothing better than walking into a room and just having that feeling that you are in the right spot at the right time. You have the ability to walk right up to any person and feel that they are going to have something awesome to say.

Being in a social atmosphere constantly has given me the ability to gauge a person's attitude with nothing more than a few words and their body language.  You always get that same feeling of fantastic energy when you are dealing with someone that has nothing but positive vibes.  It's almost as if they have a glow to them. These are the type of people that I want to surround myself with. 

Have you ever had a friend that you were always attempting to prop up?  They are always talking badly about themselves, trying to get you to react? Always talking about how crappy their luck was?  Almost expecting bad things to happen.  These are carnivores that steal my positive energy.  They chew it up and vomit it back out as filth. 

This isn't my usual blog.  People talk about how lucky Sara and I are with our contest wins.  There is no question that we are extremely lucky.  I am just here to tell you that I think luck can be created. 

Now I must go and lay in the grass, listening to Peter, Paul, and Mary while sipping on a herbal tea bought in the organic section of Fiddleheads. 

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