Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Good old fashioned good versus evil in the Habs/Bruins series.  I can get behind some dirty play.  I do cheer for the Broad Street Bullies of course.  Spears to the groins and flexing your neanderthal muscles is where I draw the line.  Milan Lucic probably eats garbage under a bridge in Hamilton in the off season.

Hamilton receives a lot of abuse from me.  Well that's because it deserves it.  After all a guy stole my homemade wizards hat off of my head.  Also not every street needs to be one way.

Jealousy is a funny thing.  There are people that get upset that their significant other might go to a strip club.  What do you believe is going to happen?  They are going to run off with the stripper.  "Let's leave everything behind and move to your home country of Ukraine.  We can start a new life."

Sometimes while running my competitiveness comes to the fore front.  I was passed by another jogger and felt that I should then race them.  Then I faked an injury. 

Tyrion Lannister delivering that last line in the past episode of GOT gave me goose bumps. 

You know that you have a band that triumphs within the realms of cannabis use when their bassist or guitarist doesn't require socks or shoes on stage.

In Your Eyes - 4.7/10

Note to Joss Whedon the writer of this mess.  Stick to Scifi and Superheroes.  Everyday life is not your forte.

I did enjoy a car scene in this movie though.  Watching a stolen '86 Camaro ripping around in the mud being followed by very cautious cop cars makes for good humor.  There has never been a high speed chase that has been this slow before.  Well maybe the Mennonite mafia.

You know somebody means business when they break a beer bottle on the edge of the bar and use it as a weapon.  It also isn't used enough in comedies.   In Happy Gilmore it was perfect.

I am visiting Sara on the trail this coming weekend.  She has been gone for a month.  We are going to have a romantic dinner at a campfire with hotdogs, sizzling smores, and BBQ.  BBQ isn't an activity.  It's a type of food.  When I ask what type of food BBQ is.  They just tell me that it's BBQ.  BBQ isn't food Southern Man.

My swing in Slopitch is an absolute mess.  It's messier than having an Asian kid over to your house before Paddyfest to enjoy a couple of beers.

My brother in law and sister in law are attempting to hike the Pacific Crest Trail.  That means they will be hiking from Mexico to British Colombia.  Yes!  There is something wrong with this family.

I have never been able to wrap my head around joining a guild in a video game.  Sara used to play City of Heroes and was a healer.  If the internet faltered or she had to go to bathroom things in the game would be chaotic.  This should never be a reason for chaos.  Go outside!

Playing a broom as a guitar has been a common use within movies.  It has never really donned on me to pick one up to play.  Too long, always dusty, and there are no fake strings.  Air guitar is much cooler.

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