Wednesday, May 7, 2014

I was going to write a whole blog about feminism and the negative thoughts people get when they hear the word.  Feminism is too big as a whole.  There is an aspect of equal pay for equal work.  There is an aspect that there are still jokes cracked about women in certain roles.  This will all change eventually.  It's been a slow road to get there.  Society in North America especially is on the right track. There are some obvious issues in other places in the world.

One thing I did want to discuss is that some women get in their own way when it comes to equality.  It's in the absolute most basic sense.  The fear of intimidating men.  Pretending to be less intelligent then they actually are.  Is this to look more desirable?  Is this just human nature?  What is it?  It drives me crazy when I have a conversation with a woman and she is intelligent and sharp.  Then the same women with a group of people puts on a show of being an airhead.  What's happening here?

Any man that is worth getting to know is going to embrace your intelligence.  He will not be intimidated   I can only speak for myself, but there is nothing better then having an intelligent and stimulating conversation. Regardless if it's man, woman, or machine.  Please, stop doing this.  As soon as this is in the head of any guy he will do one of two things.  He will disregard any further conversation that he has with you.  Or he will pry on your weakness.  Some guys still enjoy the company of the airhead.  Just watch the movie Wolf of Wall Street if you need further proof.

My wife for example is especially brilliant.  There is no question in my mind that she is smarter than her husband.  She was on a game show showing off her skills.  There is no intimidation whatsoever.  I actually find it refreshing.  It's nice to have to keep my brain working to keep up with her giant brain.  If you have to fall to a level of intelligence below the man you are doing it wrong.  I have the luxury of knowing many awesome, adventurous, and bright women.  Surrounding myself with this is something that has happened without myself really realizing it until now.

I am not here to build anyone up or bring anybody down.  I can see the frustration on some amazing female's faces when they have to battle through the insecurities of other females.  They are working hard to free themselves of the shackles of being lumped into a group.   In the end I am here to judge the person for the person.  If you suck.  I will let you know.  If you are awesome.  I will also let you know.  It's all very simple. 

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