Monday, August 25, 2014

Jehovah's Witnesses at my door.  I tried to tell them that I don't want no more.  They wouldn't stop knocking until their hands were sore.  I asked them if they have ever seen Religulous before?

Shot 77 at River Edge golf course in Kitchener.  Best round of my lengthy and mediocre golf career. 

People give you weird looks when you are hiking alone with a set of headphones in.  It's pretty shitty that you can't go for a hike unless you have another person or a dog without getting eyeballed like you are going to vandalize somebody's property.

"Your child will hate you if you buy them that computer for school."  These words I told a client while they were attempting to purchase a $329.99 laptop for an Engineering course.

The Amazing Spiderman 2 - 3.5/10

Spiderman 2 seemed to be caught in the middle of writing for kids and writing for adults.  You need to pick one way or another.  Most Marvel flicks have the perfect recipe.  Write for 20-40 year old adults, and keep it just PG enough for kids to be able to see it in theater. 

Found my weakness at running.  Tried to run up a toboggan hill 3 times and it almost killed me. 

Toronto Blue Jays are the Internet Explorer of the Playoff race.  Everybody else is turning it up a notch, and John Gibbons is just eating paste in the dugout.

Cut off blue jeans on men?  Cut off blue jeans on women!!!!

November Rain as a wedding song is a tough one.  If you have a DJ that doesn't know the song well you will be up there for a good eight minutes with a two minute guitar solo.  That's a long time to dance in front of Aunt Phyllis while she is snapping pictures with her disposable flash camera that was purchased at Shoppers Drug Mart in 2005 when she purchased three.  One for each one of her nephews marriages. 

If you asked me to make you mesquite chicken I wouldn't know how to do it.  There have been times that I have told dates in the past that this was my absolute masterpiece dish that I could make. 

Got mad at my car door for closing on my leg when I was looking for change.

The majority of my friends would go on a date with Katherine Heigl.  The majority of my friends would leave in the middle of the date after finding out how much she sucks.  There would be a small group that would see if they could get into her pants first.  If this was no longer an option they would then leave.

If I just had dental work done and was bandaged up with a frozen mouth, I would still attempt to eat chips if you put them out.

It's tough to complain about people raising money for charity.  This ice bucket challenge is everywhere.  Maybe we can continue with it while raising money for another charity?

Faith No More - The Real Thing is a strictly guilty pleasure of mine.  It's like a bag of cheesies after eating a salmon  filet with rice, and spinach salad.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

There is an evil side to Daryl Smith.  This side comes out when he is asked to do work while hungry.

At one point there was a strip club in Cambridge.  It was called the Mirage.  They had one of the best billboards in history.  It stated the following.  "Snapper is free, shrimp is not."  Classy!

Captain America:  The Winter Soldier - 9.1/10
Chef:  8.8/10

Two wonderful movies.  Chef was an unexpected gem.  Smart script and feel good story.  Two things that I enjoy in films.  If you don't have a mixture of hunger and happiness by the end of this movie you are not human.

Can't even watch the Jays right now.  When you look at the stats of the guys that are supposed to be producing.  They are all in line or above what they usually do, and they are still no closer to a playoff position.

Sometimes while dreaming about having my long hair back I think about how great it looks in the wind.  The wavy locks of a formidable man.  When I actually look in the mirror I look like I have just worn a helmet on my head for two hours.

License plate renewal = we need some money from you for no apparent reason.

Most times when I see sport commercials I get a little fired up.  Under Armour, Reebok, and Nike generally do a great job.  Steven Stamkos commercial.  "Be better then a video game." I would like to look right into the eyes of the person that created this commercial and say.  "You are dumb."

Fantasy Football draft time, the most important two weeks of the year for gambling junkies.

If you would like to see me get riled up tell me that Blind Melon is a one hit wonder.

Corey Conners is a golfer from my hometown.  He lost in the finals of the US Amateur Final.  We have a lot of talent coming out of this little town.  Jared Keeso who stars in the Letterkenny YouTube videos is also from this golden nugget of Ontario.  Now if they would just get a Swiss Chalet.  Seriously, how long can you talk about a restaurant without it actually being there?

When you tell me that you enjoy country music. Everything that you tell me musically related for the rest of your life will sound like the Charlie Brown teachers voice.

This summer is kind of like that bully in public school.  Looks like the coast is clear when you are sitting inside your house.  You then make golf plans, go outside to your car and the clouds roll in.  Or in the case of the bully.  He kicks you in the balls.

I sing a song when going to cupboard to get chips.  Chips, chips, chips.  It's kind of in that hockey tone.

Coming off of the mound after a big strikeout my famous move was the fast fist pump. 

Did you know that you can order the WWE channel for $11.00 a month?  I am not sure if this is a joke or if people are actually ordering this? 

Friday, August 15, 2014

What a beautiful park Comerica is.  It has a definite Fenway feel when you are walking around.  They are trying to get that classic park feel.  All the while the Toronto Blue Jays play in a Costco warehouse.

You understand the issues of Detroit only by walking around.  50% of the houses are condemned.  The houses that are condemned are giant once beautiful old school houses.  It's sad to see the decay of the city.

Found out recently that when people thought the world was going to end in 2012 that the most popular meal being eaten was Chicken McNuggets.  They would order 20 nuggets and eat them all to themselves.  Wonder what a McNugget hangover feels like.  Maybe it's a clown slapping your gut constantly until you throw up. 

Snowpiercer  -7.2/10
Draft Day - 6.5/10
Bad Words 6.8/10

Draft Day is a fairly good premise if you don't know anything about football.  Kevin Costner makes the worst trade in football history and somehow snows the team on the 2nd worst trade in football history.

It's surprising that more people don't grow evil moustaches.  You know that thin moustache above your lip.

Met and had a picture with Chris Chelios.  He was selling his signed equipment and pictures at his restaurant.  I was thinking that it's pretty cool that he showed up to his restaurant on Wednesday night.  Then I saw that he was pimping himself out and didn't think it was quite as cool anymore.

The fact that you are able to smoke still indoors in some parts of the States is shocking to me.  It's actually even more shocking that we didn't ban it in Canada until about 15 years ago.

One thing that us nerd types are very good at is finding a movie that we love and posting so much stuff about it that only we want to talk about 6 months from now.  Guardians of the Galaxy you are up.

Top 3 times where you can order a salad as a man and still feel like a man.

3 - Hungover
2 - Overweight
1 - Actually there is only two

I am still not great at dealing with people asking for money.  Sometimes I go with the pretending they don't exist.  Sometimes I say I don't have any change, and sometimes I will reach into my pocket feel change, but pretend I don't.  I do give money the odd time to people playing instruments.  Respect!

What's the phobia called when you are afraid of brown khaki pants?

I don't usually react to celebrity deaths at all.  I don't know the people and of course I enjoy their work, but in the end it doesn't affect me personally.  The Robin Williams death was one of the few that hit me a little bit.  His body of work and his sense of humor was like no other.  Talented and versatile, he will be missed.

It takes a certain type of personality to be good at poker.  You need to be straight faced, calm, cool, collected.  If you have ever seen me play poker then you know I have none of these qualities and am an awful poker player.  I make noises when I get good cards as well. 

Is there an actual half finished Robocop statue in Detroit?  Or is this just a rumour?  It's a brilliant rumour to make up. 

FanExpo is coming up or has already passed.  I am surprised that they don't tag your ear and brand you when you come through the gates.

Running to Classical music is amazing.  It gives you the rhythm to run without becoming out of breath.  Running to Nirvana, well let's just say I need a lot more breaks.

I can still do the splits.  After all these years it can still be done.  One of these times though it's going to end horribly at first base when I attempt it.

I top out at 58mph and my arm hurts today.

Friday, August 8, 2014

How is Sara doing?  What your wife is doing is absolutely amazing.  How did she get the time off to do this?  Why didn't you go with her?  Aren't you worried about her?  She is an incredible woman.  She looks great.  In the end it's nice to feel proud about your wife.  Her accomplishments, goals, and aspirations.  There is no question that all these things are absolutely true.

It's a tough mental battle to have a wife that's like no other.  It's almost like dating a celebrity.  I understand that she's an inspiration to pretty much everyone that is looking to travel.  Sara does an awful lot of research and puts endless hours of thought into each and every trip.  People don't see that side of it.  They see that she is in Spain with a small little back pack and don't really understand how she got there.  This is where I come in.  The man behind the scenes sending packages, driving hours and hours to get her where she needs to be.  Picking her up from the bus station at 4:45am.  While working a full time job and a part time DJ gig.  Also training for a half marathon, writing a script, and trying to stay as positive as possible each and every minute of each and every day. 

It's not an easy gig.  You don't have anybody to talk to about what's going on with you.  Nobody to come home to, and nobody to cook dinners for and enjoy wine with.  People that you see ask about your wife and want to know all about her and what she is doing.  You feel selfish for giving short answers the odd time.  I know that what she is doing is incredible.  In the end the isolation is probably good for my soul.  I know what I am capable of handling.  I push myself mentally further then ever before.  It's odd how much you grow when things change within the household.  It's something that I haven't been through for years.  The last time this happened I was extremely sick and couldn't really focus on anything other then getting better.  Sometimes I have to remind myself that I don't always need to have my head in the clouds and have these giant dreams.  You stop doing some of the smaller things that might be important to yourself and to other people.  Most people can't afford to go to Spain.  They might rely on you for the conversation during your weekly coffee.  It's nothing for you, and you don't even think about it again.  To them though it could be the mental break that they need. 

One thing that I have learned from this experience is that sometimes what you do daily might seem unimportant.  It doesn't look glossy on Facebook.  You might take your niece out to the park.  Learn a new skill.  Going to the gym.  These all seem like small things that you are doing, but shouldn't go unnoticed.  The pay per view events will always take precedence in what's going to be talked about.  Just don't think that you aren't doing anything useful if you are just setting smaller goals for yourself.  The little things in life are going to be the bulk of your life.  Enjoy that glass of wine and take pride in running three miles at eight miles an hour (that was for me.)  When you witness somebody doing something to better themselves or somebody else take notice and compliment them on it.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

First things first.  Guardians of the Galaxy - 9.8/10

This movie is the best of the year so far.  It has a fantastic script and every single minute of the movie is jam packed with smart entertainment.  A+++++++++

Sara has decided to use her last month to hike the Camino de Santiago in Spain.  It will be 30 days of gorgeous scenery, tasty wine, and hopefully meeting amazing people.   If you would like a glimpse into what she is doing you can do a couple of things.  Follow her YouTube videos and watch the movie The Way. 

Had my 36th birthday this past weekend.  We decided to head downtown London for some karaoke nonsense.  We were all dressed in what can be best described as Celebrity Rehab characters.  It was overall a good time.  The dude that hosted the karaoke event didn't like being showed up by a spirited crew.  He locked down our chances to sing and allowed all of his buddies to sing.  He cutoff songs early and was basically the fun police to keep the bar in a mediocre melancholy state.

Was invited to a wedding as well on the Friday.  It was gorgeous.  Beautiful weather, and an energetic dancing crew of family.  Great time had by all.

Expendables 3  - 6.7/10
The Den - 5.7/10

There is always that feeling that anybody that took martial arts at a young age was always going to be like Van Damme when they got into school fights.  They were going to knock out the school bully with a round house kick to his giant cranium.  This never happened.

A's and Tigers are loading up for the playoffs.  It was so weird to see an actual baseball trade.  Lester and Gomes to the A's for Cespedes.  These are players that are very important and not in the minor leagues.  What is going on?

Spoon and Bear in Heaven both have albums out this week.  I will be reviewing shortly.

I am not sure how anybody wears wife beaters.  I wore one out to be Right Said Fred on the weekend.  I was always concerned with openness of my arm pit and the amount of dancing that I was doing was going to cause air corruption.

The Jays stood pat at the trade deadline.  It's a little frustrating, but if you couldn't get Lester or Price, why overpay for Bartolo Colon or Ian Kennedy?

There are two types of people at sporting events.  Ones that know the game well, are relaxed, and know the right time to clap for the team to succeed.  The others are Americans.

Why would you ever make a cup that isn't dishwasher ready and is too skinny to fit your hand into?

While growing up I can't believe that it never donned on me that old video game systems would be worth money.

Off to Detroit next week to see a couple of games at Comerica.  It goes with my system of seeing aces whenever I can.  Since the Tigers have Price, Verlander, Scherzer, and Sanchez there is a good chance that I might see a couple of aces.

Things are a lot easier in golf when you don't swing as hard as humanly possible at every single golf ball.

Afternoon naps are more and more brilliant each and every day that I live.

There are things that are inevitable while working retail.  Having a Croatian man having extremely uncomfortable conversations with every single person that works there is one of them.