Friday, August 8, 2014

How is Sara doing?  What your wife is doing is absolutely amazing.  How did she get the time off to do this?  Why didn't you go with her?  Aren't you worried about her?  She is an incredible woman.  She looks great.  In the end it's nice to feel proud about your wife.  Her accomplishments, goals, and aspirations.  There is no question that all these things are absolutely true.

It's a tough mental battle to have a wife that's like no other.  It's almost like dating a celebrity.  I understand that she's an inspiration to pretty much everyone that is looking to travel.  Sara does an awful lot of research and puts endless hours of thought into each and every trip.  People don't see that side of it.  They see that she is in Spain with a small little back pack and don't really understand how she got there.  This is where I come in.  The man behind the scenes sending packages, driving hours and hours to get her where she needs to be.  Picking her up from the bus station at 4:45am.  While working a full time job and a part time DJ gig.  Also training for a half marathon, writing a script, and trying to stay as positive as possible each and every minute of each and every day. 

It's not an easy gig.  You don't have anybody to talk to about what's going on with you.  Nobody to come home to, and nobody to cook dinners for and enjoy wine with.  People that you see ask about your wife and want to know all about her and what she is doing.  You feel selfish for giving short answers the odd time.  I know that what she is doing is incredible.  In the end the isolation is probably good for my soul.  I know what I am capable of handling.  I push myself mentally further then ever before.  It's odd how much you grow when things change within the household.  It's something that I haven't been through for years.  The last time this happened I was extremely sick and couldn't really focus on anything other then getting better.  Sometimes I have to remind myself that I don't always need to have my head in the clouds and have these giant dreams.  You stop doing some of the smaller things that might be important to yourself and to other people.  Most people can't afford to go to Spain.  They might rely on you for the conversation during your weekly coffee.  It's nothing for you, and you don't even think about it again.  To them though it could be the mental break that they need. 

One thing that I have learned from this experience is that sometimes what you do daily might seem unimportant.  It doesn't look glossy on Facebook.  You might take your niece out to the park.  Learn a new skill.  Going to the gym.  These all seem like small things that you are doing, but shouldn't go unnoticed.  The pay per view events will always take precedence in what's going to be talked about.  Just don't think that you aren't doing anything useful if you are just setting smaller goals for yourself.  The little things in life are going to be the bulk of your life.  Enjoy that glass of wine and take pride in running three miles at eight miles an hour (that was for me.)  When you witness somebody doing something to better themselves or somebody else take notice and compliment them on it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Well said, that's very helpful for a stay at home Mom too. All those little things I do for the kids and the family seem small, but boy do they all add up into wonderful children, who enjoy life!!