Monday, April 8, 2013

Ad Astra was terrific this year. This is a Science Fiction literary convention for those that don't already know. It was great to see old friends and meet some new ones.  Highlights of the weekend. 

- Sara and I emceeing the Masquerade.
- Finding out just how good Cards Against Humanity really is.

- Philly Cheese Steaks
- Being on three great panels (thanks for the tech support Seb)
- Feeling great throughout the weekend even though I was abusing my liver similarly to what Gary Busey does to his brain.

The Jays suck, they have no time to recover from this slow start.  Why did I invest so much money into this Bluejays hat?  Where is my Lumineers downloads?  My computer is too slow.  I need something to feel the pain and cry with.  My life is terrible.

My Clark Kent costume was a big hit. I forgot my razor though.  Has Clark Kent ever had 5 o'clock shadow before?

I never know what to say to a kid that is pointing a fake sword at me.  I just hope that they will stab me quickly so I can have an over the top death.

Reading alien language is something that is difficult to get used to.

When having a conversation with somebody, start to use different tones at parts of the conversation that don't call for it.  Just see the reaction.  It's good times.

When drinking it's quite a bit easier just to shuffle along.  Walking is a lot of work sometimes.

Daryl from walking dead.  This will be my next costume.  Again ladies, hands off unless I say it's ok.  I don't want to have to tell you again.

No one believes me when I tell them that I used to be able to do the splits.  Then they want me to show them.  Two things here.  I used to be able to ten to fifteen years ago.  And do you really want to see a grown man doing the splits on carpet?

It's strange when talking to someone and you expect them to have a certain voice, and then they speak and it's something completely different.

Pizza Pizza is now the worst website to order from.  You want to see me get fired up.  Watch me put the ingredients on my pizza, then order pops, then order dipping sauce.  Not being logged in, then forgetting my password, having a password sent to my email, then having to sign in to see that my order has been erased.  I almost had to go to bed after this happened the last time.

The most frightening part of speaking in front of people is testing the microphone in front of people.  The same reaction always happens.  You say hello or testing, and then you are surprised to hear how loud it is. 

For those that have been frustrated that they haven't been able to post comments in my blog; because it's a lot of damn work to sign up for an account just to comment on whether you like rabies or not.  Never fear, you can now comment without signing up for a damn account. 

Watching people at scifi cons react to the little speaker when the Tron soundtrack comes on is now my new favourite thing.

Something weird happens to my hips when Latin guitar is played.  It's very similar to how Steve Martin reacts to the Blues in the movie "The Jerk."

So cottage season has just about arrived.  The land in front of the cottage is trembling by the thought of bocce balls rolling around at a medium pace.

Dear Adam Sandler,

Please allow others to write your material.  You can still be funny, you just need to allow other people to feed funny things into your brain.


Daryl Smith

Twitter:  @hosehead12

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