Thursday, April 4, 2013

Toronto Blue Jays home opener was about as exciting as Val Kilmer as Batman.  The only excitement was the gong show guy that was in our section that kept on slamming on seats in front of him making every person uncomfortable.

Ad Astra is this coming weekend, and Sara and I have been asked to be the Co emcee's.  It's a huge honour to be asked to do this.  I am confident that we will do a great job and be in the running to host the Oscar's next year.  If Tina Fey and Amy Poehler both get pregnant and give birth the same night. Sara and I have a shot to host.

I hate musicals, I'm sorry I just had to let that out.  We went to see Mamma Mia years ago, and if I had a peanut allergy you don't want to know what I would have done to a bag of unsalted peanuts.

Arrested Development will be back this May.  I am shocked by how many people don't understand the humour.  I guess you either love it or your an idiot.

Tricia Helfer was on Community.  Did she have work done to her teeth?  Her teeth look oddly similar to Gary Busey's now.  That is not the look that you want.

Having a conversation with a Leaf fan the other day, and he was upset because he didn't think that this group of Leafs could win a cup.  You haven't been to the playoffs for fu***** 10 years.  First things first.

Do teenage boys still put up pictures of supermodels in their rooms?  Or are the pizza pocket boxes and monster energy drink cans get in the way of seeing the walls anyways?

I am straight, I am straight.  I am flattered, but I really really like women.

Mr. Canoehead was a good segment of the show four on the floor.  It's about a guy that was carrying a canoe on his head and he was struck by lightning soldering the canoe to this head.  He now fights crime, and his disguises usually consist of being a bird.

How did Scott Boras become as famous as some athletes in the world?  You just seem like a jerk if you are being represented by him.  It's like being represented by Ari Gold.

The only movies to look forward in the near future are sequels.  The Wolverine, Kick Ass 2, Avengers 2, Iron Man 3.  Apparently George RR Martin has a XMEN power that allows him to steal all original thought from human beings.

I have never seen someone as angry as an Asian man with a busted Nintendo controller.  The wrath was severe for all, but mostly the controller.

Food will begin to slowly be integrated back into the blog when this damn snow leaves.  I hate cooking with the stove

In Biblical times when you were paralyzed were you just put down, did people carry you around?  Or did you just drag yourself around with your arms? 

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