Sunday, May 5, 2013

I won a trip to Quebec City from a Quebec Tourism website.  5 nights at a fancy hotel.  5 dinners at 5 different fine dining restaurant.  Passes to a bunch of local museums, and $250.00 spending money.  What did I do to win this contest?  I put my name and email in a draw.  Out of 8,400 people they drew my name.  Yes, I am lucky, but how many goals do you score if you don't take any shots?

We have a weird little farm here at the townhouse complex.  We now have a mallard duck that lives in the area.  There is no water near us, but he is always around. 

Was I really just singing along to a Of Monsters and Men song? 

DJ'd a buck and doe last night.  It was huge success for the couple.  They had a fantastic idea of having a twoonie toss for a 60 of Crown Royal, and then had a loonie toss for a bubba of Heineken.

Stupid American spell check, you just don't know about the twoonie and loonie.

Those Quest commercials on late night TV are awesome.  This super hot 20 year old picks up her 1996 cordless phone and dials up Quest to talk to a 54 year old single men.  That sounds like an awesome Saturday night.

Sara and some of our family went back to Alleghany State Park this past weekend.  She was going to put out some raw chicken, honey, and some M&M's to attract the Sasquatches. 

If there were Sasquatches wouldn't we have caught one by now.  These are Neanderthal creatures that are gigantic, hairy, and supposedly dumb.  Oh I guess we have caught one.  He plays for the Boston Bruins and wears number 33.  There you go Leaf fans now leave me alone.

Winter straight to summer eh?  I can deal with that.

Stressed out Sunday's starts again today.  This is co-ed slopitch for those that don't know the term.  Team do you know the rules of baseball now?  Have you been studying in the off season or just partying.  I should have made them sign the form from Dazed and Confused.

So I sneezed on myself in the car.  Trying to drive in a construction area while sneezing is a difficult thing to accomplish.

Currently reading World War Z.  There is a  movie coming out shortly based on the book, that looks absolutely nothing like the book.  Brad Pitt making pancakes then saving the world.  Stole that joke!

There should be a roast of a celebrity, and have the celebrity completely overreact and make everything extremely uncomfortable.

Has there ever been a smart man named Bobo?

Best line that I have ever heard a DJ say.  Do you know what song really gets everyone going and never fails to get the young people on the dance floor?  Mambo No. 5.  This was said to me 3 years ago.

twitter:  @hosehead12

I will also take hand written letters.  I would really like a hand written letter actually.  Put a scratch and sniff sticker on it for me as well.

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