Saturday, November 23, 2013

Questions that I have thought of Today

Why do you still live at home at the age of 30? Why do you still have set times to do battle against other people online? When is the last time that you were outside? Why do you eat two to three boxes of pizza pockets a week? Why don't you care about your health? How are you the smartest and dumbest generation all at once? Why do you enjoy music that doesn't have instruments? Why can you only concentrate for three minutes or less? Why do you think you deserve everything served to you on a silver platter? How do you allow yourself to become obese? Why are women going backwards with their human rights? What happened to the gentlemen? Why do certain men dress a way that makes them look like an imbecile? Why does the younger generation have no respect for the older generation? Why was spanking abolished? Why haven't you left your house for three months? Why has social drinking at pubs all but vanished? How does country music stay popular? Why does owning a certain type of car with a certain type of rims important to you? Why is UFC so big? Why are there the only two types of people in North America (people that work out and people that don't work out?) How has becoming a nerd become so popular, but bullying still a huge issue? When it seems that people are much more accepted for their differences, why is their such huge bouts of senseless terrorism and violence? Where has intelligent conversation gone? Why do you show me so many youtube videos that are mainly mediocre? Why are you always trying to outwit the other person? Why can songs only be popular for a week now? Why didn't Blockbuster adapt when it was so obvious? Why are you waiting in line for Black Friday deals a week in advance? Why do you think you are too good for your job? Why don't you believe in wisdom or experience? Why are you so eager to travel to places that people wouldn't generally travel to? Why do you enjoy sitting on the beach so much? Why are we always being sold something? Why can't people just sit in silence? Why do we drink milk? How can you not respect the Beatles? Why can't men say that other men are handsome? Have you ever read anything important on Facebook? Why isn't just being a good person good enough to get into heaven? How can you possibly think that being gay is a choice, and not something that you are born with? How is racism still a problem? How do you think drugs for your depression is a good thing? How did we live without drugs for our brain for so long? How can you not like dogs? How is anyone ever bored? How have you never seen the Matrix? How can you possibly not like Breaking Bad? How is drug addiction possible? Why would you ever try heroin or meth knowing their addiction issues? Why did you put your tongue on that frozen pole? Why do women hate when their men go to the strippers so much? Do you really think that they are going to go home with a stripper? Why are cabs so expensive and buses don't run until 2am when they are trying to cut down on drinking and driving? Why are potato chips so tasty? Why do you enjoy Bud Light so much that you would actually spend money on it? Why do you shave your chest? (trimming I understand) Why do you wear your shades indoors? Why don't shows know when they are becoming awful? How is Doctor Who so amazing for so many years? Why don't you own Sufjan Stevens, Illinoise? Why do I love yoga pants so much? Sorry that was dumb. Why was I happy to eat chocolate bars as a child for lunch? What's the deal with acne and having it as a teenager? Why do you squeal your tires in parking lots? Why do I always giggle at squirrels and their tails? Why don't you warn me when you have farted? Why do I look like I have just come out of a coma when I take my glasses off?

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