Monday, November 11, 2013

Yes, Sara and I won another contest.  This time to Cancun.  Yes, we are very lucky.  Yes, we should buy lottery tickets.  Blah, blah, blah, where is my mojito and sun screen it's starting to get toasty out here in the sun?

Now is there anybody that says that Aaron Rodgers isn't the most valuable player to his team?   Hopefully he is ready for the Thanksgiving game.

After dj'ing this past weekend Sara and I stopped into a variety store on the way home.  There were two gentlemen in there that were feeling fantastic.  They were picking out some type of greeting card.  This was at 1am or so.  We were looking at them inquisitively.  they spoke up that they needed to buy a friend a card because they put raw meat in his bed while he slept, and he was very upset.  I enjoyed this so much that I gave them an expired coupon that I had in my wallet to put in the card.

Walmart strikes again.  While walking through Walmart last weekend I noticed they had a tasting station.  Their tasting stations are always so classic that I felt that I needed to see what it was they were allowing people to enjoy.  This time it was Oreo cookies.  Having a single Oreo cookie in a container makes a man happy and confused all at the same time.  Also what percentage of people from Cambridge, especially people that shop at Walmart haven't tried an Oreo cookie before?

Remembrance Day is today.  Still think this day should be a holiday.  Doesn't really matter what you believe in we can all agree that people that are willing to give their life for this country deserve more than just a few moments of silence. 

Thor:  The Dark World - 8.2/10
The World's End - 8.1/10
Percy Jackson and whatever sh**head he is fighting now - 3.2/10

Now this isn't completely fair.  I did fall asleep due to too much pizza being consumed.  What I did see though was awful by any standard.  Let alone my Sunday night brain.

I really need to find a Tweed suit.  I didn't think it would be this tough to come by.

This is older news, but Justin Bieber was carried to the top of Great Wall of China.  He really needs one of those douche bag change jars.  Maybe he needs to move back to Stratford and work on a farm for six months during winter.  Is it harder on the farm in the Winter months?  I really have no idea.  I would be an awful farmer.

Top 3 worst country songs that everybody knows and enjoys except for me (blood runs from my ears when they are playing.)

3 - Save a Horse (Ride a Cowboy)
2 - She Thinks My Tractors Sexy.
1 - Red Solo Cup

When you eat popcorn for dinner weird things happen the next day. Your brain thinks about things differently.  You reassess all life problems and are able to think more clearly.  All while on the toilet.

Future Shop had a deal where you could trade in any Xbox 360, PS3, or Wii U game and receive a top title for free.  I have never seen a lineup more dominated by men in my entire life.

I like the looks on people's faces when too much hand cream comes out of the bottle and they are trying to find a way to get rid of it.

Really enjoyed this recently.

Sometimes while using a spoon I use the airplane noise.  This is usually by myself.  Now since I have a moustache I do it all the time.  I then look at the stranger with food in my moustache and give them a toothy grin of pride.

 Bitstrips has become a big thing recently.  Being a hipster I knew about this years ago and now only draw my bitstrips.

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