Friday, April 25, 2014

There's a saying that you can boil a frog by just slightly increasing the temperature of the water until he dies.  I think the same logic can apply to how we view our food.  We are just now starting to realize the ramifications of eating the food that we do.  We have so many people sick with different illnesses that are increasing each and every day.  Do I blame it solely on food?  No, but you could make an argument.  People still need to make the right decisions, but I am not sure you could make it more difficult to do that if you tried.

It's not like it's never donned on me before.  It just seems as though that it's always been that way, and it's way too difficult to change it.  Difficult and expensive actually.  Walking into a whole foods store you will instantly know what I am talking about.  $46.00 for a roast?  Only the rich can eat healthy.  Beside an A&W parking lot, I noticed that they have a sign out that says "Raised without hormones and steroids."  Well thank goodness for that.  Wait a second.  What?  How is using steroids and hormones ever been a viable option for raising cattle.

I am the not so proud owner of a disease called Ulcerative Colitis.  I am not going to give you any details on what it is.  It's very similar to Crohns.  When Sara and I traveled to Asia it was really eye opening.  No obesity issues, and very rare circumstances of gastro issues.  We went to a doctor for a refill of one of my prescriptions, and he told us that he hardly ever had to deal with this issue.  They have much different eating habits then we own.  You will see sushi shops and noodle bars instead of Burger Kings and McDonald's everywhere.  They still have your Burger Kings there, but they are limited.

It boils down to money.  You can either eat extremely healthy and go broke in the process.  Or you can go to McDonald's and spend $1.39 for a cheeseburger.  It's a simple decision for most people.  How can you blame them.  We aren't able to see the real cost of what foods cost without containing preservatives. Now on the other hand if everybody stopped putting preservatives in everything then we wouldn't have to worry about it.  It's pretty simple.  Only put food into food.  We shouldn't have to pay a premium to eat a carrot that hasn't been sprayed by poison.  This discussion is for another day.

 Everything in moderation is about the only way that you can somewhat avoid the situation.  People want to be healthy.  They don't want to be overweight.  You have to have the will power of an ex-heroin addict to make the right decisions all of the time.   Maybe if you had three hours for your lunch and you could venture to the farmers market for a delightful lunch of all organic food.   The cost of your lunch is only five dollars, and then you can ride your unicorn over a rainbow back to work.  They should change every word on a bottle of stir-fry sauce that you can't pronounce to poison.  "Ah, honey, tomatoes, onions, poison, and water.  At least poison is near the end."

It's frustrating as a consumer.  I am not sure how I come off after reading this to myself.  Reading about my particular illness, and knowing that it stems from food, well sucks.  Knowing that it's extremely expensive to do the right thing also sucks.  I am sure there are certain days where the healthiest thing that I consume is a Guinness.  In closing, I would like to note that I am currently sipping on a coffee from McDonald's.  I just read a sign in the next door A&W and all of this came to mind. 

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