Tuesday, April 29, 2014

What's the worst series so far to watch in the NHL playoffs?  Flyers/Rangers!   There have been times where I have switched it to another series and haven't switched it back.  The Flyers have been outplayed for the most part.  It's absolutely torture to watch them in the offensive zone.  The collapsing box in front of the goaltender is effective.  Boring as hell, but effective.

You have told me your reasons why you like Star Wars instead of Star Trek.  Your reasons are shallow and lack structure.  Star Trek you win.

Grand Budapest Hotel - 9.3/10
Blue Jasmine - 8.1/10

It's rare to have a movie that is shot as beautifully as The Grand Budapest Hotel.  Every scene looks as though it's been shot through a microscope for detail.  In this world there are two types of people.  Ones that understand Wes Anderson and others that sadly do not.  It's like being in on a joke that is absolutely hilarious and trying to explain it to somebody that relates to Phoebe of Friends.

I have seen people crumple up a whole piece of paper and eat it on movies.  It seems to never really bother them at all.  They are just able to pound it down without any liquid. 

To all those people that are sober that call out people that are drunk or high.  Go fu** yourself.

Watching old wrestling I realize now that the leg drop shouldn't have been that devastating of a finishing move.

Message to Johnny Depp:

 Johnny please hire a new agent.  Your current agent is failing you miserably.  You still have talent inside that weird head of yours.  Find Matthew McConaughey's agent.  He will guide you back to the promise land where you belong.

Your once adoring fan,

Daryl Smith

What does your brain do when people talk to you about politics?  My brain does this.  do da di di dum diddy do.

Sue me, I like to wave at squirrels when they are looking at me in the window.

Top 3 miscalculated judgements I have made.

3 - There should be enough gas to get me to that next gas station.
2 - I will be fine tomorrow morning after having this shot of absinthe.  (Intense I know)
1 - 4 flame heat wings won't effect me at all.  I have grown to love super hot food that no human in their right mind should eat.

Ever hear a story about a person and have their personality pegged to a tee and know instantly that you would never want to meet them or associate with them in anyway whatsoever?

At some point in my life I would like a limousine to pull up beside me and have the back window go down and the person in the back seat to tell me to get in.  I would prefer it not to be the threatening to kill me type of trip.  The one where they are taking me to a secret party would be preferable.

There isn't enough people that challenge people to arm wrestles anymore.  There needs to be more of this.

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