Friday, April 18, 2014

This is not my usual type of blog.  I just thought I would give you some of my perspectives on a few topics.  It's a little cheesy in areas, but sometimes cheese needs to be consumed.

People are making less money and going into huge amounts of debt to keep on living that American dream.  That American dream of going to school.  Getting that perfect job.  Finding a wonderful mate.  Buying that dream home.  Having a family, and living happily ever after.  The problem is once you get past step one, everything else is extremely difficult.  I grew up in a small town and there weren't many people that lived by a different script. I never really even thought about what I wanted.  It was all just going to work itself out.  There was only one way to live and be happy.

It has taken me years of attempting to take myself out of this thinking.  It's not that wanting these things is bad.  Not at all.  It's just not for everyone.  People have a very difficult time really figuring out what they want.  Every single thing that you hear growing up is gearing you towards living a certain way.  This is the way to find happiness.  Follow these guidelines.  Anytime that you go in a different direction people seem to question what you are doing.

When I tell people that I am not sure that I want children they question me.  "Oh you would be such a great Dad though."  When I tell people that I am not sure that I want to buy a house.  "Don't you think you are throwing your money away?"  When I tell them that my dream is to own a bed and breakfast in Central America and live there for half of the year.  Well, they really don't know how to respond to that.

The job market is extremely difficult and most businesses will only hire part time.  Commercials are still being spewed out to go into certain fields.  Go to school for this or that.  Most people don't realize that the fields that they are gaining education towards are being flooded.  Most of the people that I know that are unemployed have huge credentials that should allow them to have a pick of companies that they would like to work for.

Talking to the younger generation is especially tough.  There is such a disconnect with their parents.  This generation needs to think outside the box more than any other generation in history.  Unfortunately some parents can't see that.  They still have this idea.  School, career, marriage, house, babies, retire, and then maybe travel.  Most parents still envision traveling as a waste of money and time.  If you talk to anybody that has traveled.  None of them will tell you that it was a waste of time or money.

There are so many different ways to make yourself happy.  Trying new things, seeing unique places, talking to all different types of personalities.  Just try things that you wouldn't usually dabble in.  Find out what your niche to happiness is.  It doesn't really matter what it is.  Sometimes simplicity is a thing of beauty.  Just don't allow anybody tell you what's going to make you happy.   Experience things and decide for yourself how you would like to live. You only have one of these lives.  You need to make it count.


aaron rogers said...

Awesome! This is the best tasting cheese I've had in a while.

Whitey (😉) said...

❤️ it DS! SO very, very true.....You're doing something right. Don't change what seems to be working for you and S. I live vicariously through you guys (& your photos, and blogs)..........for now!