Monday, July 15, 2013

If you really want to call somebody out on a performance call it pitiful.  Their reaction will be that of shame and shock.  Another one that works is that was disappointing, but not surprising. 

If I had an alter ego as a DJ.  My costume would never involve wearing a helmet that was probably super hot.  Maybe one of those cheesy eye coverups.  No one can tell who you are.  You are covering up three inches of your whole face.

Have you ever witnessed anyone actually shaking in their boots?  I have, and it was fairly impressive.

As we speak I own one poster.  When I was a teenager I had many of posters.  White Zombie, Black Sabbath, Korn, Soulfly, Jenny McCarthy, Jimi Hendrix, and Led Zeppelin to name a few.  I now own one poster and it's of the movie Tron.  I will let you decide whether this is cool or not.

There is a person at work that has never seen any movie with Daniel Day Lewis.  You just want to take this person by the hand and tell them everything is going to be OK.  We are now going to watch Gangs of New York and you will understand the true love of a great man with only a left foot.

Played co-ed slopitch yesterday.  Really had to layer up out there.  Cool evening!  I had the look of a person that had just run a marathon.  And I had only run from first to third.

Bit my lip yesterday eating.  By now you would think I would know the dimensions of my own mouth, and not make a mistake like this.

Really want a chance to sing a song at somebody's wedding.  Bride's are hard to convince.  Grooms not as difficult.  Unfortunately it doesn't really matter what the Groom says.

Old men are good at euchre.  My little bro and I lost two games within about twenty minutes and I was out $5.00. 

Celebrity golf tournament is this coming weekend in Listowel.  My team won it years ago.  I won a Calgary Flames golf bag that I am currently still using.  I thought that I would have more people mistake me for a member of the Calgary Flames, but this rarely happens.

I am the same age as veteran pitcher Mark Beurhle.  I don't really feel like a veteran myself.  I have a plush orangutang that I sit up to watch sports highlights with me.  Don't think that's something a veteran would do.

Really like this song right now.  Nothing quite like the new National album, but I have to start somewhere.  

Seeing a person react to a golf ball hitting their moving vehicle.  The best thing about it was that it's exactly how I would have reacted. Arms to the sky talking to yourself. "What the f***, what's the f*****g chances?  F***."

 My hair grows quickly.  The haircuts that should never come back?  The bowl cut and the rat tail.  Both of these were damned to people in certain areas of Cambridge. 

Noticed recently that a few people are chewing tobacco again.  Tried it once when I was playing golf in Listowel.  Screwed it up, and it got all over my mouth.  I had to play the last three holes with this black stuff all over my mouth and trying not to barf.

Don't really like anything to do with traveling fairs.  One thing that I would like is if it was like it was in the early 1900's with strong men and freak shows.  Rather than Carnies taking my money and up selling me on the dart balloon game.

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