Thursday, December 16, 2010

Vacations coming up soon. Columbia, San Salvador, and LA. I just try to make it through the Xmas season without getting so I can be healthy for these trips.

World Juniors starting soon. I want to be excited for it, but can't do it. I don't really care if Canada wins it. Half of the juniors that I would look forward to watch aren't there because they are with their NHL teams.

Loyalty is the difference between NHL and NBA players. NBA players go where the money is, and NHL players try to build their teams through the draft.

Fantasy Football is coming to an end and I am in the semi's in both of my leagues. Potentially could win over $1000 in total.

Don't be shocked if you find out that the laptop you want to buy is out of stock at Best Buy or Future Shop. Also please don't get mad, it is not the persons fault that you waited until 10 days before Xmas.

Boxee Box - Downloads all of the newest shows on to it's own internal hard drive then hooks up through HDMI to your tv accessing all your media through the wireless network. Any movie that is on your computers hard drive it can pick up. Coolest Xmas gift.

IPAD becoming more useful.

Making smokey chipotle wings with a shiraz for our annual wine/food pairing contest. Hopefully it's a winner.


Inception - 8.9/10

NY Jets coach trips Miami Dolphins player running down the sideline. C'mon man...

Philadelphia Flyers first overall in the NHL. Got to admit, it's not hard to be a fan of their team right now.

Do you ever get so backed up on all the new shows that it's too overwhelming to try to catch up?

I believe Caribou is playing in the KW area again in March for those that are interested. I will transform all of you eventually.

British people just sound smarter.

Beck producing the new Thurston Moore album. Thurston Moore is the lead singer of Sonic Youth.

I think I would be a very sad person if I was interested in politics. Everybody just seems so angry that is interested in politics.

I would put money on a new Michael Jackson album coming out around Xmas for the next few years. Media loves to make money off of death.

Ryan Reynolds and Scarlett Johansson broke up. She initiated it apparently, she maybe smoking hot, but I don't believe she has a lot going on upstairs.

Top 3 airheads

3 - Katy Perry
2 - Jessica Simpson
1 - Megan Fox

It's weird that I can generally look at someone and just tell that they aren't all there. They just have that crazy look in their eyes.

Bananas are still great after all these years.

Biggest Loser contestants look awful when they lose too much weight too quickly. I am not sure the human body is supposed to lose it at that pace.

Want to lose weight. Move more, eat less. Pretty easy.

Happy holidays everyone

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Bacon neck what are you? And why does Michael Jordan have a Hitler mustache in the commercial?

Sometimes I miss having holidays around Christmas time?

Pontypool - This is a movie. This is a very good movie. 9.3/10

Record player is operational again for a very reasonable price. Just as good as I remember is sounding.

IPAD docking station looks like a ipod docking station through bottlecap glasses.

Fresh baking within the kitchen is a smell that I sorely miss.

Sara and I have booked a trip to LA for April. We are trying to get tickets to the Dodgers home opener. It's against the SF Giants. For those that don't know the Giants won the world series this past year. Tickets yes please!!

I believe that I could live in a cottage for the summer months in Canada and live in a 3rd world country for the winter months.

Traffic stinks in Kitchener.

Believe what you want to believe, but the earth is going to kick us off it's planet at some point.

I am very sad to say that my long hair will not be coming back anytime soon. I am also very sad to say that using hair product is a pain in the ass.

I must apologize to Bear in Heaven as well. I forgot to add them in being that their album came out so early in the year. They rank number 2 on the list.

Top 3 XMAS gifts this year

3 - XBOX Kinect
2 - IPAD
1 - Cheap laptops

I hate selling cheap laptops, but I do understand their purpose. The average consumer uses their laptop for no more then facebook and email. As salesmen we aren't really needed for this type of purchase.

Boxing Day is coming up soon. The worst day to be a sales associate at the shop. I dread this day more then any other.

Casseroles are very underrated. Easy to make, last a few days, and you can make anything taste good by adding ketchup.

Slowed down my wine consumption recently. This isn't on purpose. I just can't drink a whole bottle to myself on a weekday night, and Sara only drinks on Fridays.

Sometimes I feel bad about not saying happy birthday to people via facebook. Then I realize that people really don't care.

Plug an input into my brain and allow me to play guitar!!!!!!!!!

Kanye West has a new album out. It's very good. Nice mix of beats with his usual confrontational lyrics. Usually I don't dig rap, but this album is a oddity.

People look so stressed out this time of year. Remember it could always be worse. You could be a fan of the Toronto Maple Leafs.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Top 5 Albums of 2010

5. The National - High Violet - If I was to clone a voice for myself it would be the lead singer of the National. Listening to this album reminds me of sitting at a distinguished bar dressed in a tux sipping on a martini. The drums of this album gives it a spacious feel without losing the intensity of the sound. The album doesn't compare to '07 Boxer, but is a nice follow up to the album. Bloodbuzz Ohio is the top song on the album and the one I would download to check out.

4. Wolf Parade - Expo 86 - Wolf Parade has become a little heavier and more user friendly with this album. It still has the hooks of the vocals and the 2 or 3 minute guitar solos that they are known for. They have lost a little bit of their vibe, but overall the album is solid all the way through. Not quite as good as previous albums, but still ranks number 4 on my chart. Pobodys Nerfect is the download for this album.

3. Junip - Fields - This album is still climbing for me. I can listen to nearly every song without even approaching the ipod with the dreaded next finger. Jose Gonzalez is the lead singer of this band, and he has never been better. Generally he sticks to an acoustic set, but I must say it's very nice to hear an electric guitar or two in this album. I haven't seen Junip live yet, but as far as their sound goes I don't think there is anyone that I want to see more. Could be the album of the year a few months from now. Rope and Summit is the download that you want.

2. Spoon - Transference - Maybe their best album. They have found a way to incorporate a '60s, '70s, and '90s feel all into one album. You will find yourself singing along with quite a few songs on this album without the annoying the stuck in the head feel. Saw Spoon live for the first time earlier in the year, and thought the show was perfect. The catalog is quite deep for this band now, and they are able to put a great show together. Britt Daniels has the perfect voice for this band, and I see no slowdown for them in the near future and I would give them the best band in the world title right now. Trouble Comes Running for download.

1. Tame Impala - Inner Speaker - Out of nowhere a bunch of 20 year olds are able to sound like the Beatles mixing in Stone Temple Pilot drum beats and the out there of Radiohead. Album of the year easily. Any hour of any day I am able to put this album on and never get sick of it. I am quite bias of the heavy drum beats with the psychedelia sound right now, but this album has been played from top to bottom in my ipod for six months. Lucidity is the song of the year as well.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Sara turns 30 this coming. I am in a wedding party the exact day she turns 30. I feel terrible, but what can I do?

Was supposed to go to the Lions thanksgiving game today. Things fell through and am now not going. Strike 2.

Watching American TV is frightening. These are the top 3 topics.

3 - You being hurt and wanting compensation.
2 - Too much debt and a way to get out of it quickly.
1 - Violence

Even though Surrogates was a bad movie. I can envision these types of things happening with the way people are scared of their own shadow now.

XBOX Kinect - worth the money
PS3 Move - don't bother

Slow cooked chili or slow cooked curry chicken for American Thanksgiving football today?

Movember - great in theory, but unfortunately not everybody looks good in a mustache. Most people just look french.

Raptors have won 4 in a row, and it seems as though most of the players that are there want to actually be there.

American athletes love to complain about Canada's weather. How many cities can you name that support sporting teams that are as cold or colder then Toronto?

DJ'd the other night for one of my good friends. Had a great evening. Tried my best to rock as much country as I knew. It's like finding a good book to read if you are illiterate.

Bauer Kitchen in Kitchener was fantastic. Had a nice jazzy vibe and high end food without the stuffiness of a gourmet restaurant.

Had a great Chilean red there. Unfortunately after too many glasses of this I cannot remember the name of it.

New Harry Potter - yay or nay?

The Future Shop VIP sale is today if anyone needs any electronics for Xmas. I will not be working today, but there are fantastic deals on TV especially.

If you had an unlimited amount of money what band would you make get back together and make an album? Guns N' Roses or I Mother Earth for me.

Band members have to be alive for the above question.

I think my worst nightmare is to wake up with Sara having dyed her hair.

Moon - 8.2/10

Best Kids in the Hall sketch. Everyone in the world becomes infatuated to a mans sweat. So they make him run continuously on a tread mill to make him sweat. To save humanity they cement his arm pits when people become too addicted.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Why do they package tuna to look just like cat food?

Halloween costume is finished. I shutter at my own appearance. - check it out. You enter a band that you think is fantastic and it finds other bands and songs that match it. Very similar to pandora, but you can also use it in Canada.

Sara is back safe and sound, had a bad feeling about this trip.

I usually cheer for underdogs in baseball, but I have to cheer for Halladay. Come on Philly come back.

Black Mountain's - Wilderness Heart 8.9/19 - They really started to utilize the female vocals and got back to the classic rock and roll style. Best album I have heard this year since Tame Impala. I suggest you check it out if you enjoy riff related guitar.

Get him to the Greek - 8.2/10

As I look around at the city of Kitchener I realize that less and less people care about their appearance.

It is scary how many people that have lost all social skills due to internet and internet gaming.

Top 3 things that will be gone in the next 20 years.

3 - Skill to spell
2 - Sense of direction
1 - Phone conversations

So the Leafs are off to a hot start. The homers are coming out. Someone came up to me yesterday and said "see I told you they would make the playoffs!" There are 82 games in a year and they have played 5.

Keeping the hair short. I guess I had to grow up sometime.

XM radio is great for free, but have you noticed when they say a phone number that is attempting to sell you something they say the phone number a bunch of times in a row. Media make me dumb!!

Honeynut Cheerios are still the bomb after all these years.

Running Wilde is the new show made by the dude from Arrested Development starring Will Arnett. Best line so far. "Everything smaller is more expensive. I guess that is why that little horse cost me so much."

UFC is becoming too big to contain. I wish it would go away.

KFC new sandwich has 1700mg of sodium. I think if I was going out in a blaze of glory. I would eat this while chugging a bottle of absinthe without a shirt on in a rented el camino with painted fire down the side.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Resident Evil 3D - 7.6/10 - Didn't really need to be 3D, but there were a couple scenes that were fist pumpers. The best part of the movie was that there wasn't an influx of zombies.

Caribou tonight at Ebar, fantastique!!

Watched the Jets/Ravens game last night. Next time I will just watch a documentary on Al Gore.

It's tough to support Old Navy, but they do have a decent section of clothing for a decent price.

Madden '11 is absolutely wonderful. A tiny bit too easy to pass, but overall the gameplay is solid.

Uptown Cafe in Waterloo is a great restaurant for something that's a little gourmety, without spending a huge amount of money.

Trius red wine is in my top 3 of all red wines right now.

Halloween is coming shortly. I wish there could be a Halloween party every weekend in October.

Being over dramatic is one of the worst traits in a human being.

Have you ever wanted to chuck a piece of electronics out the window, and actually went through with it?

Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist has a very solid soundtrack.

Wearing a sticker on your baseball hat?

Cleaning out your Ipod gives you such a feeling of purpose.

Top 3 Canadian Bands or Vocalists

3 - Rush
2 - The Tea Party
1 - Neil Young

I know about the Tragically Hip, just don't think they make the cut.

Andy Samberg is underrated, he could be awesome with the correct writer.

Martin Short has never been funny in the history of his career. Even in Arrested Development he sucked and it's almost impossible to suck in that show.

Why do all Southern type diners put cheese on everything?

I wish I knew a Sorcerer. Things would be so much easier for me.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

One of the selling features of working at Tim Hortons is a free uniform? Worst job perk ever!!

Apparently SFX in Toronto was awful this past weekend. They oversold the tickets and the fire marshall was keeping people from entering even after they had bought tickets. This is a very clear indication of a cash cow.

Caribou has a double live disc coming out soon. Playing with a symphony orchestra and 4 drummers. They are playing at Ebar in Guelph very soon for those that are interested let me know.

Summer is back with a vengeance.

I am currently addicted to Big Brother, useless television, but I do enjoy the strategy of the game.

NFL is starting very soon, and SI has the Packers winning it all. Let's go Pack.

Was a best man at a wedding this past weekend. Wedding was beautiful, and the speech went fantastic. Not wearing sun screen for wedding pictures out in a farmers field, big mistake.

If you are looking for a high end laptop that has been getting great reviews. Take a look at the HP Envy series.

Rush isn't one of my favourite bands, but the talent in that band is unreal.

Another commercial that is useless. The lady says that the chair stinks in the room and takes it through the car wash to get it washed. What is this man doing to his chair to make it stink?

Sometimes I wish Canadians weren't quite as intelligent. We don't sell out the pre-season NFL games so they won't bring a NFL team to the city. Unlike Americans we don't give a sh** about preseason football.

Does anyone still play Rock Band????

Religious group came to the door today. I have no problem with religion, but it's obnoxious to be recruited on your only day off.

I think the 80's is pretty much the only decade that will not have a reboot of being cool.

Mad Men is back to being my favourite show on TV currently. It's a strange drug that dialogue is.

World of Warcraft is maybe the most useless thing you could do with your time. Raising your character to different levels is the only prize. I think you could learn more from watching Jersey Shore 24 hours a day.

I understand obesity completely. When you drive down a main stretch in a city. Take a look at the restaurants on either side of the road. It's gross.

I am debating dressing as Frank Drebin for the next convention. I just want to wear a white wig.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Had some work done to my stomach to make sure that everything was cool. Have you ever had to live off jello and gatorade for 2 days? It's hell on earth.

Jose Bautista is still a Jay, I might have been too hasty with the need to deal him. If he keeps hitting home runs like this and playing wicked d then maybe you do sign him to a deal.

Future Shop VIP sale is tomorrow. I actually had a look at the deals and there are some very good deals. Come see me at the Cambridge location if you have the need for some new toys.

Weddings galore coming up.

New Tiger Woods is the best golf game I have played. I own it for the PS3 and I am willing to take down all challengers. smittyd04 user name.

There have been some wicked videos on youtube of late.

Football season is nearly upon us, and SI has picked the Packers to win it all. I am a huge Packer fan, and even though it's a homer pick I agree with them.

Tame Impala - Innerspeaker - Album of the year so far. If you were to put in Paul McCartney and John Lennon vocals with the Radiohead OK Computer album this is what you would get.

Turned 32 last week. Don't feel any older, and actually look younger since I cut my hair for a costume. I was Derek Zoolander for a scifi convention.

So Billy Corgan has an album coming out that he's releasing a song one by one on the internet for free. This is the equivalent for me if Pauly Shore was going to release a movie every month and I could go see it for free at the theater.

When people see a $399.99 tag for a laptop that is made by HP. They are drawn in by a dark force to purchase it

So Tiger has lost his powers. He's like a X-MEN character that draws his power off sleeping with multiple chicks.

Mennonites are cooler then Nuns.

Girl with the Dragon Tattoo - 9.2/10
Kick-Ass - 8.1/10

I would like to start a 50's style boxing league. You can only punch like you are from the old school style of boxing. No gloves just old costumes, and three two minute rounds.

Friday, July 9, 2010

So Lebron, Bosh, and Wade are all in Miami. Good job super friends. I hope that you crash and burn.

Happy Gilmore is a fantastic movie FYI. Some movies that I enjoyed when I was younger end up being not as good as I remembered ex. anything by Jim Carrey except for Dumb and Dumber.

Been listening to the Kinks a lot lately. They are a very underrated band from the Beatles era.

Apparently I am a better golfer then I remember.

Come home the other night to our sauna of a house to realize that the rogers cable has been cut by accident by construction. So right now I am living like a neanderthal with no cable, home phone, AC, and I'm stealing internet from the neighbour.

Tiger Woods '11 is the best golf game I have played.

Vendor fair is this coming week. Not sure who the sponsor is yet, but I am hoping for some kick ass swag.

Looking for a supplier of a visa with some great rewards. Any Suggestions????

Had a dried out striploin steak last night, if there was one food that I could eat for the rest of my life it would be that.

Penn and Teller Bullsi** is currently my favorite show. Love the aggressive nature of the show calling out people for their narrow mindness or their pure stupidity.

Best Buy is opening up right next door to us. My recommendation for people that shop at Best Buy. Know what you want before you go in there. You will receive no help in the knowledge category.

Ipad = Useless

Jose Gonzalez, this is not a baseball player. He has one of the most soothing voices in music right now. And plays right into my wheel house of folk guitar.

If Country Music was the only form of music remaining on earth I would cut off my ears.

The Crazies - 8.1/10
Percy Jackson - 6.8/10

Is Nicholas Cage trying to be in every movie released?

Johnny Depp has been surpassed as my favorite actor. Leo DiCaprio has pushed him aside. Can you think of a movie in the past 15 years that he hasn't been amazing in?

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Haven't posted in a while, busy so far this summer.

Went out east for the May 24 weekend. If you are a golfer you should really check out PEI. I also really like the fact that there is hardly any traffic on the road.

What is with commercials that are advertising for things that barely ever happen. Under arm stains. If this is a problem for you don't wear white shirts!!

I also hate that Ford Truck commercial with the dude that sounds like Dennis Leary. "Like hippies swaying around a camp fire." Alright for the next Smart car commercial. You don't want your car to react "Like two rednecks getting in a fist fight over who likes Tim McGraw more."

Golfed a few times already this summer, played a couple beautiful courses recently. Mystic just outside of Ancaster and Grey Silo off University Ave in Waterloo. Fantastic landscape and extremely tough.

BBQ season has begun, but the BBQ is on it's last legs. It's done it's time.

Costume is nearly completed for Polaris. Pumped that it's less then a month away.

The Flyers made it all the way to the finals in the playoffs which is another reason why I haven't posted. I have to give them props they played their hearts out. I really don't mind seeing Toews holding the cup though.

So the free agent frenzy in the NBA is about to begin. Why do I have a feeling that Toronto is the only team that is going to lose it's superstar.

Earthquake yesterday near Ottawa, I thought it was just my drive off of the 10th hole.

Book of Eli: 7.3/10

Bought a new TV recently. 50" LG Plasma, love it. It makes a huge difference watching bluray movies especially.

Kraft Dinner Smart, it's made with cauliflower. It is absolutely fantastic but it still makes you feel homeless.

Sick of Lady Gaga........ I would still go see a live show though.

Sara was on TV again. A show called "What's your point?" It's a debate show about current events.

I wish there was a service called rent a dog, I love taking dogs out for walks. I just don't want to deal with the rest.

Ugly duckling syndrome. Someone that grew up very average looking, but has turned into a bomb shell as they got older. The perfect person to be with. Still very humble, but still viewed as a prize. This works for guys and girls.

Beauty Queen/King Syndrome. Grew up super hot with all of the attention. The older they have gotten the more worn down they look. Worst person to be with. Still think they are the bees knees, but really ___________.

Still dj'ing, just did a buck and doe recently where they had the groom stand up and play goalie while people whaled jelly doughnuts at him with a hockey stick. Bravo!! Enjoyed it thoroughly.

True Blood is back, still the best show on TV.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

What song are you most sick of? I believe that I have heard "you shook me all night long" more then any other song in the history of my life. Great song at one point, now I would rather give birth out of my mouth then listen to that song.

White trash is becoming contagious. I see more and more people that could care less about their appearance or hygiene. Grey jogging pants, stained white t-shirt, and hat on backwards that sits on the top of your head does not look good. Am I just noticing it more now, or have more people just given up.

Been successful so far in the doing everything that I want to do summer. Have done the following.

- Went to the Jays home opener
- Saw Bear in Heaven and Spoon so far live
- Made an appearance at Ad Astra

Hockey playoffs have begun, there were 4 upsets on opening night. Gotta love it.

The Jays have done their usual play well in April, then stink the rest of the year.

The Raps missed the playoffs and will now lose Chris Bosh to free agency.

How can a man hate musicals so much, but really dig the show Glee?

Xbox busted again, what the hell? Did they make the machine with wooden parts?

Clash of the Titans - 6.6/10
- Don't bother seeing it in 3D though, they shot it in 2D then converted it.

I can't stand paying money for bad food. Went to a restaurant in a hotel recently, the food was so pricey that we decided to get a plate of appetizers. Nachos, wings, veggies and dip, and a few drinks for Sara and I. The bill came to $80.00.

Off to Halifax for the May 24 weekend. Never been east before, but every person I've talked to said it's great.

VIP sale again at the shop this coming Tuesday for anybody that needs any electronics.

I am very pleased that I am able to sleep in again. I was in this awful habit of getting up at 5 and 6 AM lately, and unfortunately I can only handle so much of Principal Belding.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Is anybody else sick of preparation?

- We go through public school to prepare for high school.
- We go through high school to prepare for University.
- University to get a good job.
- Good job to move up and get a great job.
- Great job to get to retirement.
- Retire, but still pinch pennies to make sure kids are secure.
- Prepare for afterlife (obviously for those that are religious)

Everything is to prepare for something else. And by the time we retire, our bodies won't allow us to do some of the things that we might have liked to do when we were younger.

Got my Bear in Heaven tickets today, well two of my managers actually picked them up for me. And they say Future Shop doesn't have great benefits.

Did some baking today (insert joke here.) Made some pecan cinnamon cupcakes. They are in the oven as we speak.

DJ tomorrow for one of my buddies sisters buck and doe. I have a feeling I will be playing quite a bit of country, but if I can sneak some Journey in there I will be alright.

Watched a couple more episodes of Caprica today, really starting to get into it. For those that enjoy Battlestar you should really check it out. Sift through the first 3 episodes, but once you get to the 4th really start paying attention.

Racism is a very good barometer for intelligence. The more intolerant you of other people's races the dumber you generally are.

Should people have IQ tests before they are able to have children? This question was brought up to me recently. I say no, some of the best mother's I know I wouldn't put in the upper echelon of intelligence, but their kids are cared for so well that they have every advantage in life. Double edged sword here though, the uncaring mothers that are also unintelligent, those kids don't have much of a chance to succeed.

Ghosts of Mars - old John Carpenter flick

8.8 /10 when I've had a couple of drinks.
5.5/10 when completely sober

Top 3 things I love about baseball

3. It's the sport that keeps you company, have a conversation with a buddy for 5 minutes, and it may still be the same dude up.

2. It's one of the few sports you can play and be completely out of shape, without the sport getting made fun of (bowling, darts, curling.) Before I receive any emails I would like to everybody to know that I love the 3 sports that I listed.

1. It was one of the few sports I was actually good at.

Going to see Spoon on Tuesday, very excited. The new album Transference is the best of the year so far.

Future Shops point of sale system changes on Monday. I have been working there for like 39 years and it's always been the same. It's a little scary learning something completely new, but I think it's going to be a smooth transition.

Debating the Ipad, I think I'm out.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Flyers every year believe they can win the Stanley Cup without a goaltender. Just get a goalie for God's sake, you can't win with the Waterboy Bobby Boucher.

New favourite fish, Tilapia try it with Rosemary and garlic.

This might be the first year in quite a while not going to Ad Astra (sci-fi writing convention.) A little sad, but have to cut out a couple things from this year due to trips.

Tried a new type of wine tonight. If you enjoy a cheap red that has a refreshing taste, try Citra.

Paddyfest was a gong show. Ended up drinking straight scotch, and straight whiskey along with red wine and beer. Needless to say that Sunday wasn't a pleasant day at work.

So Jesse James cheated on Sandra Bullock with some trashy looking woman. What on earth would possess you to cheat on Sandra Bullock. It's like picking Bret Michaels over Brad Pitt.

Chris Evans is playing Capt. America apparently, you can't crossover with the fantastic 4 now since he's in that as well. I am pretty sure there are a lot better dudes that I could think of to play Capt. America.

How does the weather go from 17 degrees to below freezing in a week?

Did you know that the Pittsburgh Pirates have the record for most consecutive losing seasons in professional sports?

Yay or nay to the comeback of the mustache?

Spartacus, if you love Xena watch it.

Do you think the world will ever run out of music? There can only be a certain amount of notes played.

Fantasy baseball draft this weekend, I had to run 2 weeks without any type of fantasy sports. I was going through withdrawal.

Joe Mauer got 184 million over 8 years. I realize that no one is worth that kind of money, but it's nice not to see the Yankees or Red Sox get a hold of him.

3D TV's came out last week. $3699.99 for the cheapest model. Then 2 pairs of 3D shades are $499.99, then you have to buy a special bluray player which is $399.99. I think only Joe Mauer can afford 3D.

Best commercials on TV, old spice.

Top 3 reasons why the Bluejays upped their ticket prices.

3 - Tomo Ohka, Frank Thomas, BJ Ryan, and Alex Rios.
2 - Tom Henke needs money to put towards the rising fastball exhibit at the Science Centre.
1 - Vernon Wells needs a real gold glove, he's fairly useless anyways.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Kate Winslet is now single, I have had a crush on her for years. She is one of the few actresses that's under 40 that I actually have respect as an actress.

Electric 6 were fantastic. The best part about the show was when the lead singer sold us that the keyboardist couldn't make it over the boarder because he got bit in the forehead by a deer.

Nicaragua was chilled. Our own indoor pool, kitchen, but the stinking dvd player didn't work so we couldn't get caught up on all the stargates.

LT signed with the New York Jets, good move by both parties. He should be a good fit with that offensive line.

Missed the playoffs in my fantasy hockey pool, first time in any pool that I missed the playoffs. I now know how every Toronto team feels.

God's Behaving Badly is a fantastic book for those that enjoy anything to do with Greek gods and Goddesses. Light humor, with a very original story.

Corey Haim passed away. Corey Feldman isn't attending the funeral. What a douche, those two would have had nothing if it weren't for each other.

Was at the doctors office a little while ago. I was kind of eavesdropping on a conversation between two teen dudes. Here's how it went down.

"tell her to f*** off"
"i can't, i'm not sure if she is pregnant or not?"
"f*** her"
"that's not how you spell sad (there were attempting to spell said.)
"it's spelled with an i"
"let's go out for a smoke."

I trying not to laugh while I listened to the this whole conversation.

People should pick up the food and drink magazine from the liquor store. It has a lot of wicked ideas for wine pairings with different types of food.

It is nice to be home though I must say. To have things go back to normal for a little while is refreshing. And to this day nothing is better then Tim Horton's for coffee.

Who's up for an afternoon Blue Jays game on a Saturday in May?

Taking Pelham 123 - 3.5/10

Top 3 new wave bands

3 - The Smiths
2 - Joy Division
1 - Depeche Mode

I don't care how many people are wearing those "ugs" boots, I hate them and everyone that wears them look like their homeless to me.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

So is the world having a problem with tissue paper being stuck to their ass? Why is the Charmin commercial with the bears always involve this?

Canada 7 Russia 3 dig it!!!

Never knew about the band Blind Faith until recently. The band members are Eric Clapton and Steve Winwood. Fantastic guitar work, and a complete jam band. I really wish I grew up in this era where I could really see bands getting into their own music. Now it seems like every band just wants to make a single and a quick buck.

Changeling - 7.8/10

There's been a lot of drama in these Olympics. First thing I see is that a person has died, and then the figure skaters mom passes away and she skates anyways. And lastly the dutch dude with his coach telling him to go into a different lane and then he gets disqualified. Out of all the Olympics that I have seen I don't remember this drama with any other.

So apparently I enjoy dark beer now.

Sara and I just had our 2nd anniversary, not much has changed still no kids, still no house, and we still live to travel.

Figured out how to make curry chicken recently. It's extremely easy.

I think it might be time for a new computer, 7 years is what I got out of it.

Trying to figure out what dvds to take to Nicaragua, I think it might be Dollhouse Season 2, and a whole bunch of newer movies. Any suggestions for different seasons?

Fantastic deal last week on Travel Zoo for those that are looking for a getaway. Niagara on the lake suite, $50.00 dining credit, $25.00 spa credit, 2 Breakfast buffets, and 2 wine tastings at the Peller Estates. All for $99.99.

Top 3 favorite countries that I have visited

3 - Costa Rica
2 - Venezuela
1 - Vietnam

David Wilcox is playing in Listowel for Paddyfest. This is the first time in a long time they got somebody that's a somebody. One year they had a Creed tribute band. Who starts a Creed tribute band anyways. I had a party after the concert and they offered to play in my basement, we declined.

Italian wine is delicious, but I must say that Chilean wine is still my favorite and the best priced.

Next year is going to be full of weddings. 3 of my good friends got engaged over the past few months. But everybody knows that the bachelor party is where it's at. We aren't the usual group of friends which just takes our buddy to the strippers. They took me to Philly to see a Flyers game.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Back from Italy, still having a tough time with the time zone switch.

Leave for Nicaragua in about a week. We have a cottage rented there with our own pool. Should be nice to see some sunshine.

Food was extremely expensive in Europe, but you don't realize it until you do the conversion from the Canadian dollar to the euro.

So Canada almost lost to the Swiss. What is with the Swiss goalies against Canada?

Work has been almost unbearably slow since getting back. It's strange going from the go go go of traveling around Italy to the "what's the cheapest laptop?" type question that makes my mind melt.

The Jays are raising their ticket prices this year, whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa??? Team gets worse and are in jeopardy of losing a lot of their fan base by trading their best player. Why can't Bryan Colangelo run this team as well.

Baseball is fast approaching, favorite time of year, the lazy Thursday afternoon of baseball while enjoying a caesar.

Whip It - 7.9/10

Local Natives is one of the better albums I have listened to lately, folky feel similar to Band of Horses, but still has a enough rock to make it enjoyable.

Want to see "Spoon" at Massey Hall, but not getting much interest from others. The problem with Massey Hall is that it's difficult to get a pint since it's not a bar, but the music sounds so good there with it's acoustics that it almost makes better that way.

I would love to open a restaurant that played light indie rock, that had healthy food, and cheaper bottles of wine. We need an in between restaurant of a Boston Pizza to upper scale.

With our restaurants we are turning more and more into the states with our brown type food. Description - brown type food is basically food that is the colour brown. Fish and Chips, Chicken Wings, French Fries. Cheap to manufacture, taste wonderful, make you feel awful. There are way too many places like this, but it's fast and easy.

Sara and I have made a conscious decision to not eat out unless it's absolutely necessary.

Top 3 worst Daryl injuries

3 - Cutting face with wine opener
2 - Cutting finger with cheese grater
1 - Falling off mary-go-round and then lifting head and getting smacked in the back of the head.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Italy is tomorrow, looking forward to all the food and wine, but most of all Rome and all the history behind it. Cue the mysteries of the underworld music.

Feel like taking a small stroll through your Grandma's flower garden. Have a listen to the new album by Beach House.

People always ask me how am I able to travel so much. One of the easiest ways is to not give yourself any responsibility. Meaning I don't have kids, pets, or own a house. So Sara and I are able to leave on whim without any trouble. And if you really want to see the world don't go to vacation farms. Every Caribbean country is pretty much the same from the vantage point of a resort. I do understand the wanting to get it away from it all aspect, but people need to understand that you don't need to be rich to do the traveling that we do. Just be smart. Instead of getting a hotel in Niagara Falls for a weekend and spending $200.00 a night, why don't you spend a few more dollars and get a flight to Costa Rica. Once you get there and realize how cheap hotels and restaurants are there you will understand why this is generally a smarter choice. You also might see an animal or two while your in the rain forest as well. While in Niagara Falls you can just piss your money away at the blackjack table and then eat at the Rainforest Cafe. All in all both vacations will be within $300.00 of each other and you will get a week in Costa Rica or a weekend in Niagara.

Had a wine pairing appetizer party this past weekend in Oakville. Felt a little old manish at the start, but in the end it was actually a really good time. And the end result is always the same.

So the Leafs made a big splash on the trade front. Both trades they made were fantastic, if you can trade a bunch of spare parts for a top line d man you've done well.

Go support the Raptors as well. This is the best basketball they have played in many years, and if we want to keep Chris Bosh we have to show support.

Religilious (Bill Maher goes to religious communities and just asks loaded questions about their faith)


Started watching Stargate Universe. So far not bad, but I really wish Atlantis didn't get canceled.

There's face recognition software that matches your face to a celebrities face basically to tell you what celebrity you look most like. Here's my top 3.

3 - Eddie Murphy (don't ask me)
2 - Elton John
1 - Robert Downey Jr.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

For those that are fans of the Stargate series. They are auctioning off props from both Atlantis and SG1 on ebay.

Remember the Seinfeld epiosode when Elaine was trying to decide who was sponge worthy? I have a different problem, I need to know what bands are vinyl worthy.

There are so many different concerts coming up over the next few months. Here's the list of the ones I will 100% be going to. Spoon, Electric Six, Bear in Heaven, The National, and Caribou.

Saw the first episode fo Spartacus on TMN. Pretty decent, a little over the top, but I think they are going for a "300" type feel.

So Mr. Favre choked at the end of the game against the Saints. I would have preferred seeing Favre play against Peyton Manning though, that would have made a very good story line.

Watched "Donnie Darko" again, didn't realize that Seth Rogen was in the movie until I re-watched it. He played a big douche bag type character.

For those that thought making a green screen would be tough. Well using imovie '09 makes it almost stupidly easy. Sara used green construction paper with some lighting that cost about $20.00 in total and it turned out fantastic.

Best collectible, beer mugs, nothing beats it.

Top 3 Hockey Team Symbols

3 - Boston Bruins
2 - New York Islanders
1 - Chicago Blackhawks

Steamwhistle brewery tour is still something that I haven't participated in that I really want to check out.

Super Mario Brothers is going to bring back the side scrolling style game. We sell out of it at the shop consistently. New Contra and new Mega Man will hopefully be on it's way.

I would enjoy UFC much more if they had Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat type powers. If somebody could make electricity come out of his body that would make it worth watching.
As of right now it's a little too much hugging on the ground by two oiled down muscle dudes.

Sony PS3 or XBOX 360 - If you enjoy playing sports games and don't care about the bluray aspect. Then the 360. If you need the bluray player and you enjoy the first person shooter and graphic oriented games then get the PS3.

Booster Juice best cure for a hangover.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Other then the Packers/Cards game this has been the worst NFL playoffs I've watched in quite some time.

Body Worlds exhibit was good. While walking through the exhibit you forget that those are actual dead bodies. When you think about that it's kind of gross.

Seeing the black lung was probably the most interesting thing. To see a smokers lung compared to a non-smoker lung was eye opening.

Should I just take my Ipod touch to Italy, and download some games on it? Or should I take my Nintendo DS?

Finally figured out why my record player hasn't been working properly on my stereo. HK receivers don't have phono so you need a pre-amp to make it sound proper.

Made a wicked curried chicken meal last weekend.

6 chicken breasts
2 cups of sour cream
1 large jar of salsa
2 tbsp of curry powder

slow cook it for 6 hours, have the sauce over rice. Fantastique!!

Travelzoo has some crazy deals on this week for those that are looking for a Vegas, Florida, or Atlantic City getaway.

Golden Globes were good. For those that didn't like Ricky Gervais. Go back to your regularly scheduled Two and a Half Men episode.

Chuck is back on TV. For those that don't know what this show is. Basically he works for a geek squad type thing, but gets implanted with an imprint that makes him flash when he sees something suspicious. He then has to go into spy mode. Very entertaining, with tongue in cheek type action.

Top 3 make you feel as though you have 3 brain cells reality tv shows.

3 - I Love Money
2 - Charm School
1 - Rock of Love with Bret Michaels

Jersey Shore might be on this list, but I can't bring myself to watch it. Also there are a thousand different blank of love shows that would make this list, but I only chose one.

The old Ozzy Osbourne died for me right after making the "No More Tears" album. This is just a weekend at bernies movie with his family using him for whatever purpose they like.

"Lovesick Teenagers " by Bear in Heaven is currently my favourite song, I find it similar to Depeche Mode.

"Boobies" is still a good word after all these years.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Dallas +2.5 over the Vikings
Indy -6 over the Ravens
Chargers -7 over the Jets

Not touching the Cards/Saints game.

Spoon is playing in TO in March. Great rock band. You should check them out if you enjoy Foo Fighters.

I always feel a little dumber after I have listened to country music for any amount of time. One of my favorite lyrics lately has been "put me to bed cause I'm a little drunk." Yup those lyrics really make you think.

Spartan apples are still the best.

American Idol is back. How many times can they say "you are the worst contestant we've ever had?" or, "you are a front runner in this competition." It's like watching the sports highlights from 7am to 12pm. It's the same stuff just put a little differently.

Top 3 current sitcoms

3 - Better off Ted
2 - How I met your mother
1 - Modern Family

The Hurt Locker (for those that don't know it's the front runner for best picture)


Jeremy Renner who's the star of the movie got started out in one of my favorite National Lampoons movies. "Senior Trip," ridiculously bad comedy that also stars Tommy Chong.

How long could you last living the life of Jim Morrison? My over under for myself would be 3 months.

If a band came out with a sound of the organ like the doors had in their music I think they could make it sound current. The only era that will have a hard time making a comeback is the bad 80's music. Just can't see a Corey Hart wannabe making it big again.

Guilty pleasure, Phil Collins

Having a cell phone has made things a lot easier recently. One of the reasons that I hated having a cell phone was the small talk part. Now with texting it's just get to the point.

Flyers lost to the Leafs last night. I hate to say it Leaf fans, but you guys are years away from anything productive. I find it pathetic that a lot of players want to play in this city and you still have terrible teams year after year.

Debating cutting the hair a little shorter, nothing too drastic, but sometimes when I come into work it looks like I've just crawled out of a ditch.

There is no real difference between +/- R blank DVD's so stop asking.

Monday, January 11, 2010

I'm sick today, eating crappy M&M Meatshop food usually does this to me, but not to the extent of actually having to call in sick.

Electric 6 is coming to Waterloo, they are a very fun live band to see. The lead singer does push ups and sit ups while singing. You might not recognize the band, but they sing the song on the Subaru commercial with the sumo wrestlers washing cars.

Is it just me or is all the diet stuff getting ridiculous. I heard on XM radio the other day of a diet where basically all you eat is cookies for breakfast and lunch. I am sure this is an extremely healthy diet. I also saw this mouthpiece thing that makes you eat less food, and chew the food more so it's easily digested. What are we friggin' dogs?

The Packers were eliminated last night in one of the best games of football that I have ever seen. Aaron Rodgers and Kurt Warner put on a clinic at the QB position.

I just found out yesterday that there has never been a female best director for an Oscar. I find this very disturbing. This is the industry that is supposed to be ahead of the curve of women and men equalization.

The kid that defected from Cuba to play baseball in North America signed in Cincinnati. I thought there might be a chance that he would sign in Toronto, but once again were snubbed. He throws 100mph and would have brought some fans back.

Italy is coming up sooner and sooner. Apparently people dress very well there, so there will be no Black Sabbath or Led Zeppelin T-shirts brought in the suit case.

Revolutionary Road - 8.3/10

Don't watch it though if you find yourself bored by movies with too much dialogue.

I am nervous to see Avatar. The anticipation has been built up by each person that I have respect for in their movie reviews. Everyone tells me that it's mind blowing.

Check out the new album by "Real Estate" if you enjoy my kind of music.

Top 3 playoff games that I have watched.

3 - New England vs New York Giants (Superbowl 2 years ago)
2 - Atlanta Falcons vs Minnesota Vikings (1999)
1 - Green Bay Packers vs Denver Broncos (1998)

I am sitting near dead last in my hockey pool. This used to be my bread and butter sport for knowledge. Now the older I get the more I am losing interest in it. Don't get me wrong I will still watch the Flyers when they're on TV, but if there is any NFL game on instead I will watch that over a hockey game.

Going to see the "Body Works" exhibit this coming weekend, most people have said its very interesting. I prefer to be kept in the dark of what it's exactly about so I can go in and be surprised.

Cooked a roast the other day for the first time in my life. Worked out pretty well. I think I need to add more red wine to it next time to keep it juicier.

Juicier is a terrible word, but I couldn't think of another one that was suitable.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Why isn't all fruit sold without seeds. I don't think I know anyone that actually enjoy seeds.

So Sandra Bullock is getting hotter with age. She joins Jennifer Aniston and Angelina Jolie in this phenomenon.

So the juniors lost to the US in the finals, of the game that I watched they were thoroughly outplayed.

Sara is back from her vacation safe and sound. Her flight was delayed due to one of the stewardess being late, then the pilot couldn't go over a certain amount of hours due to union laws. So her flight got in around 3am. Needless to say Daryl was a bit grumpy.

Recipe for those that enjoy cooking. Chicken Breast topped with peppercorns, stir-fry thai spice, and fresh garlic. Put it into the oven for about 35-40 min at 425. Fantastic!!

Everytime I watch a James Bond movie I fall asleep. There is something wrong with that.

Apparently divorces were down this year. I believe that this is because of internet dating. You can almost shop for your significant other. Where back in the day you had to meet them by chance.

I really wish that EA Sports was allowed to make baseball games again. They monopolized football, with only them being allowed to make a NFL game (Madden) so baseball took the rights away from them, but they were the only one that knew how to make a good baseball video game.

Top 3 Concerts (This is of concerts that I obviously have attended myself)

3 - My Morning Jacket
2 - Black Sabbath
1 - Caribou

Robin Williams, John Travolta, and Martin Lawrence - everything you have made in the last 10 years is awful. Stop making movies.

I wonder if Glee clubs will become more popular now in high school due to the rise of the show "Glee."

Green Bay Packers vs. San Diego Chargers superbowl.

Fake tanning and smoking - two things that people do to themselves that have absolutely no positive effect.