Wednesday, December 21, 2011

I would love to be a Kitchener socialite. Go to the hottest bars in the area and get my photo taken by the paparazzi. Is there paparazzi in Kitchener?

Blue Rodeo is actually a pretty talented band.

Currently I am trying to watch Moneyball, but my PS3 just yelled at me and told me that my version is suspect and turned off my audio.

Do you think Angelina and Brad will come over to my house and try to talk to me about all the terrible things that downloading movies do to the world?

With Sara traveling Ghana over Xmas I am able to eat some things that I haven't got a chance to eat in a while. Shepherds pie is tasty and I think misspelled here.

Top 3 sports movies of all time.

3 - Tin Cup
2 - The Natural
1 - Major League

In the finals in one of my fantasy football pools. A cool $600 up for grabs.

Was at the Brantford Casino recently. It's gross, and we missed last call by four minutes. I can't stand gambling on something I don't feel like I have any control over. At least sports I can pretend I know what I am talking about.

Are there more hybrids out there then just me? Starting with either a love for sci-fi and becoming a sports fan or vice versa.

There is a show called "Silent Library" on muchmusic which has 6 people sitting at a table. They countdown from three and grab cards that are directly in front of them. If they get the skull and cross bones card they have to do a task for money that the group shares. If the group is too loud or the task doesn't get done then they don't get the money. Some of the tasks are fantastic. The best one was when a pro wrestler came in and body slammed the one kid through the table. They didn't receive the money for that one due to being too loud.

I am debating starting to do some type of webisode. I have a lot of positive feedback from people at work that also want to help out with it.

Salt and pepper in my hair. Hmmmm, yes I am ready for it.

Please tell me everybody saw the SNL sketch with Tim Tebow and Jesus.

I have never seen an athlete with this much controversy ever. Every single person has an opinion on Tim Tebow.

Remember the show full house. Joey used to put on the goalie pads sometimes in the basement. He always put them on backwards. Wasn't there one person on the show that could have told him that they were backwards. Come on Uncle Jesse, you disappoint me.

Do you feel bad for people that have annoying laughs or annoying voices? Or do you just avoid them all together?

Ford commercials are still the worst. Throwing large cartoons at the screen. I just envision someone sitting in a chair and shouting at the tv. "Yeah hemi, yeah 4x4, Trixie we goin' to get ourself a Ford truck tonight!!!!!"

Thursday, December 15, 2011

So nobody in my generation is able to take criticism including myself I have found out. Is this because we have received gold stars for basically doing nothing while growing up so we have believed that we are perfect?

Saw the Cancer Bats play a Black Sabbath set at the ebar in Guelph. They absolutely killed it.

Tim Tebow keeps winning. John Fox stand up and take a bow for putting together a perfect game plan.

Sara leaves for Ghana on Friday. She is taking a entire suit case of medical supplies and everyday items with her to help the people in the country. Good deeds done for dirt cheap.

Trying to figure out what to buy someone last minute for xmas. Keurig coffee maker is the best gift I have received in years. Add some Newman's own coffee to the gift and you will please some people.

I try a lot of bands trying to find that magic they had when they were first coming up in the music business. Metallica is one of them. Seek and Destroy is an unreal song.

Collecting stamps???

Concussions eh!! NHL players are dropping like flies. Don Cherry did a segment years ago about how players hockey equipment is now developed into being weapons, but the helmet hasn't really increased to the point of being able to take a blow. A combination of equipment, faster pace, and bigger players have made this a problem that won't go away.

Well it looks like the NFL has figured out the Buffalo Bills. Right after you gave all that money to Ryan Fitzpatrick.

Standing ovation for me being in the country to watch the Superbowl and maybe watch the Packers go for a perfect season.

I find it awesome when people get into arguments online. It's a great debate when you have to wait for the person to read what you wrote on a message board or twitter. Really keeps me on the edge of my seat.

Who knew about fruit and nuts being so fantastic in salad?? I was uninformed about this until recently.

Top 3 reasons I miss my long hair

3 - Head banging at concerts

Actually that is all I miss about it.

Go to youtube today and search Italian Spiderman and Danger 5. Two awesome 3 minute shows that have mulitiple episodes of each.

I didn't get a gold star for waking up and taking my wife to work today, what's the deal with that??

I don't like the idea of keeping somebody's ashes in my household. It creeps me out.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Holiday season is fast approaching and RIM made a brilliant move by lowering the prices of the playbook to a extremely low price and blowing them out before the rush started. They took an awful lot of business away from Apple. Remember you aren't paying for the hardware you are paying for the apps.

As of right now it looks as though the Leafs have the team to make it to the playoffs. Single tear!!!

I realize that somebody that doesn't play fantasy football that they must feel nauseated when people talk about fake teams for hours on end.

Top 3 albums of the year 2011

3. Stephen Malkmus and the Jicks - Mirror Traffic
2. Girls - Father, Son, Holy Ghost
1. The Sheepdogs - Learn and Burn

Holiday Party is this coming Sunday. It's amazing how many prizes we are going to have with the same amount of money that we have always had. Electronics are just so much cheaper.

I give TSN props for keeping on with the CFL coverage. I am not sure I know one person that cares about the CFL on this side of the country.

Crazy, Stupid Love - 8.7/10
Captain America - 7.5/10

So the NBA is finally coming back. One pretty wicked rule change. You get a do over on one contract. The NBA has so many brutal contracts that you never really see a trade that doesn't involve a bad contract.

Had to give up Roger Waters tickets. I have two weekends planned all of next summer and it landed on one of them.

Two teams that will regret their goalie contracts or might already be regretting them. Vancouver Canucks and Philadelphia Flyers. 9 years for Bryzgalov, come on now...

I don't really care how comfortable speedos are. They still look ridiculous, you don't see me wearing a moo moo out because it's comfortable.

Are there any tough words for men's pajamas?? Night gown??

People are going to explode on the roads today. Freezing rain and forgetting how to drive in the winter.

Dale Hunter is coaching in the NHL. And he is coaching the Washington Capitals. Dale Hunter was a dirty, but tough as nails player. He is coaching Alexander Semin and Niklas Backstrom now. These two dudes would sit out of the lineup with the hiccups.

Went to a rockstar party this past weekend. Dress as your favorite rock star and singing a couple of songs at karaoke by them. Sara and I went as the White Stripes, went fairly well. The A+ effort of the night goes to Peter who dressed as Gene Simmons with the face makeup and the platform boots that made him about nine feet tall. Awesome!!

Stop making Garfield movies. They are terrible every single time.

Craig Ferguson is by far the best late night dude. He just says and does whatever he wants. None of it really makes sense. Best of all he has a robot skeleton named Geoff.

Meat head is still the best name for the brawn with no brains.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Aaron Rodgers is having the season I have ever seen from any player in NFL history.

Black Sabbath is returning to the industry. They are releasing an album and going on tour in the New Year. Ozzy Osbourne is 107 and still touring.

In lesser news Van Halen is also returning. Get your spandex and wrestling boots with tassels on and crank up some panama.

There are some great movembers out there. Good job gentlemen.

My hatred grows for the Leafs. Is it the arrogance of Brian Burke or is it the just being a jerk of Ron Wilson. Or maybe is the absurdness of the over value of all Leaf players that the fans have. Oh by the way Leaf fans, you could have had Mike Richards for Nikolai Kulemin and Luke Schenn. Just a little salt in the wounds.

I don't know how I feel about Tim Tebow. He makes a mockery of the QB position, but he keeps on winning. My guess is that once defenses figure him out that he is in trouble. He misses throws that a Listowel Lords QB could make.

Harry Potter the Deathly Hollows part 2 - 9.1/10

Kim Kardashian divorced Kris Humphries and the public is in outrage over it. Unfortunately we are the idiots that put her in the spot light even though she has done nothing to deserve it.

Hey basketball isn't back yet. And still no one cares.

Blackberry Playbook went down to $199.99 this week. Smart move by RIM. Hit the public with a low price point right before Christmas to steal the business from Apple.

Time for Tim's - don't like the slogan.

Too many fantasy TV shows at once. The only one that I seem to be enjoying is Grimm.

There is something awesome about going into the vintages section in the LCBO and picking out a wine.

Electric Six is coming back to the Starlight lounge in Waterloo. They are a great band to see live.

Video games are becoming so story based now. It's weird to be playing a game and feel like you are watching a movie. What happened to just hopping over turtles and squishing mushroom dudes??

If you are buying a laptop for somebody for xmas, please don't buy them anything less then something that has an I3 processor built into it. Just because it says dual core doesn't mean it's fast. The AMD E350 processor is slower then my Pentium 4 that is 9 years old.

Top 3 rookie NFL players

3 - Julio Jones
2 - Cam Newton
1 - AJ Green

If I was to build a NFL team from the ground up and was told that I could have any young QB that I wanted I would take Christian Ponder from the Vikings. He reminds me of Aaron Rodgers in his first couple of years.

Thieves need to have tougher consequences for stealing. We have been guys just running into our store grabbing games and running out. No plan just grabbing and running.

Lady Gaga go away. You are about as hip as the dudes from the wassup commercials.

Friday, November 11, 2011

The dudes that wore those green suits to Canucks games should have made something they could have had something to drink through as their style.

Basketball might be the sport that has the hardest time coming back after a lockout/strike. The players don't seem to understand that their has been a recession for the past five years and they can't make exactly the same money as five years ago.

Clearance Halloween candy is dangerous.

Sara ran the New York Marathon last weekend. 5 hours and 55 minutes. I believe this accomplishment to be one of the toughest to achieve. I was achieving trying new beers at a local pub while watching the Bills/Jets game.

Movies that you haven't seen but you should.

3 - Garden State
2 - High Fidelity
1 - Coraline

Have you watched the Green Bay Packers play this year? If you want to watch execution at it's finest have a look.

I will be running a half marathon to support the cure of colitis this spring or summer. More details to follow.

How did the mullet come about???

How much does it cost to get the anti-aging drug that Eddie Murphy and Hulk Hogan use??

Looking into getting goalie equipment to begin playing again. Haven't played net in about 12 years. I was terrible when I played, I could only improve with age, correct??

London Drugs is an electronics store.

Battle: Los Angeles 4.8/10

What do people with moustaches that wear them full time think about Movember?? I feel the moustache people of the world are getting a raw deal and we should be raising money for their right to raise children in a pro moustache world with sunsets that set over their moustaches. I have had too much wine...

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Cyber bully - People that debate facebook status'. It's an opinion or a feeling of a person, you aren't going to change their mind or save the world by posting on their facebook so leave it be.

Doesn't it seem like the '80's came from a parallel universe?

I find it confusing that you wouldn't release horror movies on dvd around Halloween? Hello Fright Night, McFly??????

Playing in the year end golf tourney this coming weekend. It's been a great year of golf. I know all sports are better when you play well, but golf is especially the case.

Moxie's commercials are very misleading. In the commercials it looks as though it's an upscale pub with gorgeous men and women serving you at every chance. Meanwhile, It's Kelsey's with fancier outfits on.

DJ'd another buck and doe recently. Great turnout, and very well run. What I have found out though is that nobody likes Lady Gaga anymore. I had more requests for Spice Girls then Lady Gaga.

Saw the PBS special on Pearl Jam. Love getting that high school feeling of watching one of the best bands in the world grow up. Watched the Foo Fighters one as well. OVERRATED!!!

So far the Flyers look decent. One question, why wasn't Jagr playing in the NHL over the past three years. He looks damn good out there. Second question, why would you give any goalie a nine year contract. Bryzgalov better bring the goods or this will be another Luongo situation.

Sara runs in the New York Marathon next weekend. Asics has this cool website where you can post something for a runner to see while they are on the course. So if you want to make a video or just give words of encouragement you can do that.

Demi Lovato - Satellite makes me want to bash a rock into my ear until I can't hear anymore.

Watching Seinfeld right before you fall asleep is the best thing of all time. It's always fantastic and leaves me in a good mood right before I fall asleep.

Hey grumpy people, don't take your troubles out on the poor guy in retail.

Halloween - It's not to dress scary anymore. It's so women can dress seductive and dudes can stare without being called out on it.

I wish I could grow a moustache that I could curl on the ends.

Aaron Rodgers is on pace to have the best season ever recorded by a QB. He's all class and brings the goods every single week.

Top 3 Johnny Depp movies

3 - 1st Pirates of the Caribbean
2 - Sleepy Hollow
1 - Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

Keira Knightley recently did a movie where she had to do a sex scene. She forced the director to shoot the sex scene without any touching whatsoever. Huh???

Is is just me or did Gadhafi look like a mix of George Jefferson and Benicio Del Toro?

You know you have a uni-brow, you know it's not acceptable....

There are certain men that can pull off both the top hat and the bow-tie. I am not one of them.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Halloween will be erupting soon. And for the first year in quite a while I will not be attending a party. Single tear!!

Played Grey Silo golf course today. It's in great shape, and is very well run, also it has a discounted price for being October as well.

Do you remember the last time it was this nice deep into October?

Thanksgiving was a success, Played Mario Party 5 till thee wee hours of the morning with the family. Of course my team was victorious as per usual.

Horrible Bosses - 8.1/10
Alien - Resurrection - 6.2/10
Alien 3 - 6.8/10

Green Bay and Detroit are both 5-0 so far this year. For those that are going to the Thanksgiving Day game in the States, not a word.

I miss my long hair sometimes, I don't miss having it go into my dinner while eating though.

Just a heads up, there is a game coming out for the PS3 that you will allow you to hook up an actual guitar to your PS3 and learn actual chords. All those Guitar Hero button professionals, the dream got you nowhere.

Went to an art gallery to watch the season finale of Dr. Who. They served booze, appetizers, and best of all the finale was glorious. How could you not have a good time at this event?

Pumpkin filled ravioli, sweet potato lasagne, and smoked salmon w/brie - three things that sound awesome that I haven't tried yet.

2 Broke Girls has that 2 and a half men type of humor, not a fan, that is all.

So Michael Jackson named one of his kids Blanket??? He can have one mulligan being the best dancer that I have ever seen.

Jennifer Aniston in Horrible Bosses. Heterosexual men rejoice.

When is Elizabeth Berkley going to make her comeback? Showgirls is such a campy hit that I think she could make a comeback similar to Neil Patrick Harris.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Wouldn't it be beautiful to see the Red Sox miss the playoffs after all that money spent on free agents?

Thought "How I met your mother" was done, but this past episode was brilliant.

People seem to be getting grumpier each and every day. If I see somebody that is happy all the time I think there is something wrong with them. That's sad.

Eddie Murphy is hosting the Oscars this year. Wouldn't it be great if he just did stuff from his "RAW" days??

Detroit Lions 3-0 and the Buffalo Bills 3-0. Have to love the NFL.

I am sorry female runners, there is nothing a man can do about looking. It's not our fault it would kill us not to.

Purchased a new phone with the google android operating system on it. People that own Blackberry's and IPhone's you don't know what your missing.

Arcade Fire won the Polaris award which is generally given to Indie bands that haven't really been noticed yet. Shame on the Arcade Fire for not dropping out of this and allowing another band to win. $25,000 is huge to a start up band.

Went to the wine and food festival, a bunch of wineries did a great job, but once again Gretzky's winery did the best job with the service and the wine. The art that Gretzky has there is unreal.

Hit a Sunday night ride program. Am I the only person that thinks this is a weird day to have a ride program???

Boston Pizza does a great job at marketing. Great atmosphere, mediocre food, stupidly high prices for food, but they make a killing at every location.

Sorry movie theaters I have no time for you. If you served booze and better snack food, you might have a better chance at my business.

Top 3 funniest actors

3 - Bill Murray
2 - Paul Rudd
1 - Will Ferrell

Bridesmaids - 8.9/10

Bravo to Kristin Wiig and the rest of the cast of Bridesmaids for making this movie. It doesn't always have to be a chick flick to bring out the masses.

Today could be the first day that the slow cooker gets some use.

Going to Panama and Costa Rica this February. Sara's mom has a house rented in Panama, then we are going to a wedding of a couple of close friends in Costa Rica after that. Should be another winter where I am not in the country all that much.

Dr. Who has been mighty these past three episodes. Matt Smith is starting to turn the corner as the doctor.

I hated losing Mike Richards and Jeff Carter this past year, but I am telling you right now they will win both of those trades in the end. Braydon Schenn is a Mike Richards clone and Sean Couterier is a Jeff Carter clone. And both of these guys aren't signed for the next decade for big bucks. Cudos to Paul Holmgren for having the guts to make these deals. I still hate trading the captain and my favorite player for an unknown, but I have been swayed before. See Aaron Rodgers for details.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

I thought that the ads of looking cool smoking would go out with the playboy magazine of the '70's and 80's, but they still pop up the odd time. A dude jauntily walking with his wife through a bed of tulips smoking a new port cigarette. Yup see that everyday.

To all the Buffalo Bill fans. You can look at your tv's again, the Bills aren't that bad.

To all that read my last post about Donovan McNabb being done. Here's his line. 7-15, 39yds, 1TD, and 1INT. Done!!!

Interesting fact. The band that used to be called Moist minus David Usher plays as a karaoke band in Oakville.

Top 3 worst movies that Adam Sandler has been involved in

3 - Little Nicky
2 - Grown Ups
1 - Bucky Larson (I haven't seen this movie, but it looks like it might be the worst movie of the year)

Top 3 best Adam Sandler movies that he has been involved in.

3 - Grandmas Boy
2 - Billy Madison
1 - Happy Gilmore

Black Sabbath reunion??? How is nobody dead in this band.

The best thing about today. Found a bottle of red wine that was a Christmas gift two years ago.

Why doesn't anybody go to the horse races that are friends with me. I have been twice in the last couple of years and have a great time when I am there.

Cleveland, Detroit, or Buffalo - Where would you go see a NFL game this year?

I think finally the madness has ended with the movement games for the console systems. 3D is next.

It's only a matter of time before Apple comes out with a monthly fee for unlimited movies from Itunes. Once it happens netflix is in trouble.

The National are playing the ACC this coming December. I had no idea they were this big of a band.

Entourage is done, in case anybody cares.

I find that I pay a lof of money for the movie network. I don't think I would keep my subscription without HBO.

DJ'd a wedding this past weekend. I forgot how much fun it was to DJ when people enjoyed dancing. I could have sang the Russian national anthem and they would have danced.

How do people go years without going on a vacation???

Big Brother is coming to an end soon. Good season, it's a very guilty pleasure, but at least they speak in complete sentences and there are some games that involve skill and brains that are won throughout the episodes. Jersey Shore what do you have to say for yourselves???

Tangled - 8.0/10

Child obesity, yikes!!!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

I kind of feel guilty cheering for a guys injury to better my team in fantasy football.

Top 3 things that will be happen this year

3 - Glee ratings will fall
2 - Optimusreim (James Reimer) will fall to earth and realize that he is a mediocre goalie on a mediocre team.
1 - Tiger Woods will play in a foursome with me at a best ball tourney, and be the worst player on the team.

The difference between Madonna and Lady Gaga. You didn't hear Madonna's name in the news every day of the year. The internet makes you sick of people so quickly.

So people have realized that they enjoy 60's music again. See Sheepdogs for details.

Surprise Surprise, one manufacturer realized that the tablet industry won't be as big as once thought. HP you made a smart move by removing yourself from the nonsense.

X-Men First Class - 9.8/10 - movie of the year, even if you are not a nerd.

Trying to get back into True Blood this year, just can't do it. Sorry Sookie I have been cheating on you with the Doctor.

Haven't watched High Fidelity this year yet, maybe this weekend. This movie is the reason why everything has a ranking with me.

I really enjoy reading, but it always has so many other things to compete with. (TV, video games, internet, golf, baseball.)

McDonald's - a small coffee and a muffin for $1.39, how can you beat that?

I don't understand all the deaths surrounding former tough guys in the NHL.

So apparently a new putter does help your golf game. Who knew?

Why is it when a British person speaks it sounds so intelligent? Even in that terrible game show, you are putting a golf ball in a cup that is attached to a rubber band. Go!!

My Clockwork Orange moment, going to see Mamma Mia for a second time and not being able to close my eyes or ears.

Beautiful cars are to dudes what fake boobs are to women, just something to raise your self esteem and bring attention to yourself.

So Zookeeper bombed, was Woody Harrelson the studio head that green lighted this?

Have you listened to a Dinosaur Jr. guitar solo recently? No, well have a listen to this.

Summer is almost over, it's been a very successful one for myself. I have stayed healthy, golfed more then any other summer, been to the cottage multiple weekends, and spent time with each group of friends. Thanks for those that has made this summer a memorable one.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Basketball will more then likely not have a season this year. Does anyone care in Canada?

There is too much advertising everywhere I go. People's faces that sell real estate on the back of buses. Every website you go to has some sort of advertising. It becomes overwhelming to never be able to go anywhere or look at anything without trying to be sold something.

Lincoln Lawyer - 7.9/10
Trust - 6.9/10 - Very disturbing movie

Played in a charity golf tourney this past weekend. Shot fairly well, good day for a good cause.

It's nice to see so many quality movies coming out recently. There is a lot to choose from when going to Rogers video.

First of a few fantasy football drafts tonight. It's one of my favourite times of year coming up. Start of hockey, start of football, and baseball playoffs.

As a student do you get angry hearing back to school ads at the start of July?

RIM needs near perfection with the next product they come out with.

Had Taco Bell for the first time in about 5 years yesterday. All I can say is that it will probably be another 5 years when I have it again. Ball park nacho cheese doesn't taste good on anything other then ball park nachos.

Doesn't Donovan McNabb's career remind you of Brett Favre's career right now? Great QB in his prime, but not knowing when to hang them up.

Sept. 24th there is a deal on Niagara on the Lake where you get to have wine and food tastings at 6 different wineries for $30.00. Good times, I would love to rent a limo or a van for this event and do it up right.

Received tickets to "Rock of Ages" for my birthday. 80's music at the Centre in the Square, sounds like a fantastic time.

I have developed allergies this past summer. They are a pain in the a**.

Are there any dudes that feel comfortable in La Senza? And what's more uncomfortable buying condoms at a variety store or lingerie in La Senza?

Crosby is stilling feeling the effects of the concussion of last year. Eric Lindros anyone?

Coming from a small town I am having what we considered an exotic food tonight. Tacos!!!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Just turned 33 the other day. Don't really get the people that get depressed with the older they get. You can't stop it, so why be depressed about it?

Back to School is basically in full swing now. If you are shopping for a new laptop try to stick with the Intel I3, I5, or I7 series processors.

Drove a par 4 green recently. It made me feel like Happy Gilmore. We won't tell anyone that it hit the cart path to carry that far.

Limitless - 6.6/10
Insidious - 8.3/10

Tribe Called Quest - One of the most brilliant rap bands of all time. Love the vibe of their music combined with the sunshine of the day.

Entourage has started up again for it's final season. This show was done about 3 seasons ago.

Of all things to have as an arch nemesis, mine is a dirty white dog that comes over to the cottage to pick through the garbage, and pee on every single thing at the cottage. If dog's smoked cigars this is how it would look.

Top 3 burgers other then beef.

3 - Ostrich
2 - Chicken
1 - Licks Garden Burger

Looks as though the Jays have stolen another blue chipper in Colby Rasmus from the Cardinals. A bunch of spare parts for a 24 year old centre fielder.

The Sheep Dogs are everywhere I turn. I have a day off this Sunday and they are playing the beer festival in Toronto.

Football is back as well. Can't wait.....

When you name your son Clive there is a good chance that the kid is going to be extremely awesome.

Using multiple adjectives to describe something is key to becoming an entertaining story teller.

If you need to wear an eye patch because of a surgery or injury. You should always make sure that it's black in colour. The white bandage one doesn't look near as tough.

Cane or Cape??

I own way too many bad rock t-shirts. When you own multiple White Zombie T-Shirts you know you've made some bad decisions. Great band, horrible shirts.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Promised myself I wouldn't ever complain about it being too hot after the winter we had.

My Morning Jacket figured it out now hopefully other bands will follow suit. When you go on tour after releasing a new album you don't have to just play the new album.

My head takes up my whole drivers license photograph. My head has been this size since I was born. I was probably a little tough to carry around as a child.

Cottage this weekend with the family. Love having a cottage next door to where I live. Cheap weekend away.

The Tourist - 4.1/10
Hobo with a Shotgun - 9.2/10

Joined twitter recently, @hosehead12, it's basically a more up to the minute facebook.

Pretending to be a celebrity on twitter?????

If I was to open a local 9 hole golf course that was basically a farmers field. I would really make sure that I could have booze on the course. Hometown crowd you know which course I am talking about.

Story - Car breaks down in London while attempting to go see the Black Keys. Figure out it's the battery that needs to be replaced. Have to take a cab to the Canadian Tire to find a battery. No tools to install it, and also don't have any idea how to install it. Cab driver ends up having tools to install it and ends up doing it for free. Tip was very generous for cabby. There are still some good people in this world.

The Pittsburgh Pirates are tied for 1st. What??????

Do you think having the last name Rodriguez helps you make baseball teams?

Everytime I start the bbq I have to have a beer in my hand. Maslow's theory does work on humans as well.

Top 3 "B" Movies of all time

3 - Hobo With a Shotgun
2 - Night Patrol
1 - Revenge of the Nerds

Polaris was this past weekend. Dressed as a Vulcan on the Friday night, then as "Chuck" on Saturday, then as a Tequila connoisseur on the Saturday night. The last costume was unintentional.

Do people ever use the jacuzzi in there room if it's not a romantic weekend with their significant other? Sitting by yourself with the jets on seems weird to do on your own.

White Denim - it's a band that sounds like a grungier version of My Morning Jacket.

Making my own wine seems like something that would be fantastic. Making my own beer makes me feel like I'm on Trailer Park Boys.

Friday, July 8, 2011

What happened to making a great rock album. No gimmicks, no tricks, no experimentation, just a regular rock album. Pearl Jam - Ten, STP - Purple, Nirvana - Nevermind, Black Sabbath - Paranoid.

I am not sure that Albert Einstein could program my Harmon Kardon remote control.

People didn't really think the Jays would compete this year did they?

Big Brother is back. It's such a nice light summer show to watch. I love Jordan as well, she is such a sweet heart, but so dumb.

Mike Richards was traded last week by the Flyers. He was the heart and soul of the team. I am very sad to see him go.

Was at the cottage for the July long weekend. Beautiful weekend, always enjoy having a dog up there especially. My rent a dog idea would work for this as well.

The Zookeeper preview is the worst preview I have ever seen. Kevin James bringing a gorilla to the bar????

Tablets - Here's the deal, remember when they were phasing out MP3 players, the Ipod touch had just been released and there were a number of companies that released items to compete with the Ipod. Most of them bombed, and were never really able to compete. Well the exact same thing is happening with the tablet world. People want Ipad's not tablets. There are a lot of companies that are sinking a pile of money into something that will not be as big as they think it will be.

If I were RIM I would sell out to Google.

What percentage of people would live if as a human race we had to live off of the land?

Top 3 Ultimate Cougar Magnets

3 - Bret Michaels
2 - Jon Bon Jovi
1 - Gene Simmons

How many more years does EA Sports have to put Tiger Woods on the front of their PGA tour game?

True Blood is back, hmmmmm, after watching Game of Thrones. 6.7/10

Seinfeld is still the funniest TV show of all time. Followed closely by Arrested Development.

Is there a better mind manipulating band then Cypress Hill?

Cults - Summer vibe album of the year. Please listen if you enjoy Sleigh Bells or Best Coast.

Frankenstein, sorry man you get a bad rap, and it's not your fault. It not your fault. Keep going with the Robin Williams montage from Good Will Hunting.

When the having hair dream is over, please shave it off.

Stop trying to do cool stuff with facial hair. You either look stupid or crazy. Unless you have a moustache, then you look french or awesome.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Went canoeing with Sara yesterday. Fell out of the canoe within minutes of paddling. Then began to understand that you need to communicate to succeed. That sounds like a motivational framed poster that you get from Walmart.

Caribou or My Morning Jacket who is the better live band? We will see on July 11th.

I love Canada as a country and all, but I find that it costs us too much for basically everything though. Some people that have decent jobs still need to have second jobs just to get by.

Top 3 sports that I am watching more and more the older I get.

3 - Curling
2 - Tennis
1 - Golf

The new Foo Fighters album looks so good on paper. The end result is mediocre overall.

Saying things in German always makes you sound angry.

Even if the Flyers got Martin Brodeur in his prime. There would still be questions about their goaltending.

Reason number 43 why I hate the Leafs. Their fans overrate their players to no end. Latest trade rumour. Mike Komisarek and JS Giguere to Philly for Jeff Carter and Claude Giroux. I would wear a Tron helmet while attempting to speaking Spanish to a police officer in Tijuana if this happened.

Season of the Witch - 7.1/10
Black Death - 8.7/10

Sean Bean is the man. (He's the dude in Lord of the Rings and Game of Thrones, as well as Black Death.) He was at a bar recently where he went outside to confront a guy that insulted a model that he was with. Bean was then stabbed. When the ambulance came to take Bean to the hospital to make sure he was ok, he told them to piss off and went back in the bar to have some more drinks.

Caesar's are such a hassle to make, but the end result is wonderful.

I didn't think buying a nude suit would be this difficult.

Tim Horton's you have the worst commercials. The 2 dudes that are communicating through code to get more tim bits?

Is there going to be a day that I understand the opera?

Throwback Pepsi is stupendous, they use real sugar instead of that corn syrup garbage. Now if only they would bring back the glass bottle here as well.

I miss people liking the same music as me.

Would I reference myself as a musical snob? Yes.

Some of the words in the english language should be changed to the french version. What sounds better hat or chapeau?

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Would you date a poet? I would not. I am not even sure if I could be friends with a poet.

UFC is still terrible.

DJ'd a wedding recently. I feel as though dj's only think people like "home for a rest" by Great Big Sea, but everybody including myself actually hate the song.

Vancouver Canucks are in the finals. I wouldn't mind them winning the cup so Canadians would stop whining about Canadian teams not winning the cup. Even though their best three players are Swedish and American.

I really enjoyed seeing Weird Al on an episode of Batman.

Is there anyone more pleasing to the eyes then Natalie Portman?

For those that enjoy the True Blood books. Charlaine Harris the author of the books will be at Polaris (Sci-fi convention) on the July 16th weekend.

Finally got out golfing over the past couple of weeks. It's still great as ever, and the courses are in great shape due to all the rain we've had.

No Strings Attached - 6.2/10

Want some good music for the summer. Have a listen to Best Coast.

Game of Thrones and Dr. Who are the only shows that I am currently watching. The last episode of Dr. Who was fantastic.

Concerts that I will be attending are a plenty in July. Soundgarden, the Black Keys, and My Morning Jacket.

Cottage season is upon us. Let us celebrate the arrival of testee toss and bocce ball this coming weekend with a ceasar and a sangria.

Having tickle fights at any age is awkward and should be avoided at all costs.

Top 3 things that should be black listed while doing a best man or maid of honor speech.

3 - Bachelor Party Exploits
2 - Exes
1 - Illegitimate Children

Public speaking is something that should always be practiced that isn't talked about all that much.

It's messed up that somebody can become like 450lbs and lose 200lbs of that weight in just one year.

Speedo's - Information not available.

Monday, May 30, 2011

While visiting New Mexico I realized how much tougher everybody in that state is then me. They ride their motorcycles without helmets. There is no such thing as eating fruits or vegetables. And if you order a glass of wine with your dinner you will be sent back to Canada with your Celine Dion albums.

Don't wear pajama pants out in public please.

The show "Happy Endings" is about a dude that's left at the altar and the way that it effects the group of friends in the future. There is no way you could be friends with a person that left you at the altar.

How long could you live on food just sold at the dollar store?

Water heater was busted when we got home from our trip. Having a cold shower makes me feel like I am going to be beaten for information.

Game of Thrones - 10/10

Having scalding hot gold poured over your head is a tough way to go out.

Just found out their is an app that is in production that will allow you to take a picture of somebody and it will bring up all the social networking that is available on them. Only females should be allowed to use this app.

The fad living room - a person, with a Charlie Sheen shirt on, playing rock band, with a wii controller in hand, on their 42" 3D television, and a red dog beer in their hand.

Top 3 New Mexico Memories.

3 - The Very Large Array (I still think it should be called the Great Array)

2 - Smokey the bear museum

1 - The town of Lincoln (Has all the Billy the Kid history there)

Jack Sparrow was looking in the wrong place for the fountain of youth. Eddie Murphy has it.

25% of the wrestlers are dead that were in Wrestlemania 6. That's a scary stat and the undeniable fact that steroids are awful for you. If you didn't already know.

Can Lebron ever be better then MJ, nope, Michael never had to win a championship with the likes of David Robinson, Barkley, or Ewing. Pippen was great, but he wouldn't have been near as good without MJ.

I always felt like I was going to run into the people from the "Hills have Eyes" in New Mexico.

Has anyone ever thought when they walked into a Future Shop that the Fast Forward symbol in the store was supposed to be leading them somewhere? Well one person in our store thought so.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Off to New Mexico this weekend. Going to check out the cheesy old west stuff, and the equally as cheesy Roswell alien type stuff.

You heard it here first. If there is a football season the Detroit Lions will make the playoffs.

Hockey playoffs have been a disappointment so far. 1st round was great. But after that, mediocre.

There is nothing more annoying then turning the channel to the Score and having horse racing on.

Sam Roberts, what happened?

Yes I know shows that start with the word "the" and have a premise of somebody with a super ability do fairly well in the ratings. Enough already though.

Begun to watch Fringe recently. Not too bad, once Joshua Jackson got over his ideas of everything just being too crazy to happen.

I believe each and every person needs to have their heart broken once to really find the right person.

Russell Peters, we know your family is Indian. New material please.

We can find faults in pretty much every type of food or drink. Diet pop has aspertame. Salads with certain types of dressing have more calories then big macs. Sucrose is in pretty much everything we eat. The reason Canada and the States have become so fat is because of the ridiculous portions that we eat and that we are too lazy and in too much of a hurry to cook our own food. It also doesn't help that most of our jobs don't require us to move whatsoever.

What happened to Tom Green?

Top 3 classic video games

3 - Super Mario Bros
2 - Contra
1 - Tyson's punch out

I wish I could press reset of all the great things that I have listened to or watched. Wouldn't it be great to hear Radiohead "The Bends" for the first time again.

The Rogers commercials are now the new worst commercials. Have you ever sat with a buddy in front of his computer watching a music video by Hollerado while commenting on how fast his internet service is?

Will Keith Richards live longer then me? I think it's 50/50.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Conservatives have a majority government. The only good thing about this election is the fact that the NDP became the opposition.

TV on the Radio's new album is pretty solid. More chilled then previous releases.

Will the sun ever come out again?

Gin and Tonic, never thought I would enjoy you as much as I do.

The Flyers are down 2-0 in the series against the Bruins. Couldn't fault them too much last night. Played their hearts out and had 54 shots against Tim Thomas. Hot goalie rules all.

Here's the lingo distinguished when selling a laptop.

"I don't do too much with the laptop, just surf the web." - I want the cheapest thing you've got.

"I can't have it crashing or lagging." - My character in World of Warcraft has been killed by disconnection of my internet connection.

"I need the webcam to be top quality." - You are a performer in fine quality arts.

Need to buy a new driver this year for golf season. Any recommendations under $200.00?

Why does everything have so much sodium in it?

We need you to eat healthy, but to do so it's going to cost you twice as much.

Least favorite commercial. The dude that goes on the Gillette Pro Glide challenge that challenges the disposal razor against the Pro Glide. We no sh** the Pro Glide is better. You also can't buy it from the dollar store.

"Happy Endings" is a decent show that is now on City TV. It's done by the same dude as "Community."

I know having kids takes up a lot of peoples time, but why does music have to be the first thing cut from the list of things that you keep up on?

Top 3 types of red wine,

3 - Cabarnet Savignon
2 - Shiraz
1 - Malbec

Nothing quite beats the Niagara on the Lake wine pairing tour. Beautiful scenery, great wine, and a pairing to go with it. Usually it's in June and it's about $30.00

Recently saw Troll 2. If you don't already know there is a cult following on this movie about it being the worst movie ever made. I have seen it and it's laugh out loud funny on how bad the acting is. It's called Troll 2 with no Troll 1, and has a scene where there is a girl and guy sharing a cob of corn with the tension becoming so heated that the cob of corn turns into popcorn. Priceless!!!!!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Beer Store should have samples like the liquor store.

Black Swan 9.5/10
Scream 4 - 6.6/10
Tron 2 - 7.1/10

Started running recently. I really enjoy the feeling after finishing running. Don't particularly like the next couple of days after.

"The League" is now my favorite new show. It's a show about 5 dudes that run a fantasy football league. Witty humor in sports relation.

Gaius Baltar from Battlestar is in Bridget Jones' Diary. Don't ask me how I know this.

Saw Junip last week. Fantastic show, also the lead singer Jose Gonzalez looks exactly like Blue Jays star Jose Bautista.

Is there anything better then playoff hockey?

Top 3 over done movies

3 - Fast and the Furious or whatever it's called now
2 - Harry Potter
1 - Pirates of the Caribbean

Do the portable massage machines actually work?

It's very painful to watch somebody that can't public speak try to public speak.

Cam Newton could be the number 1 pick this coming year in the NFL. He has a huge chance of being a bust. So if you are the Carolina Panthers do you pick a defensive tackle and hope that you get the number 1 pick next year as well and draft a sure thing in Andrew Luck?

Nothing beats a great salad. Wow, that sounds extremely lame .

Batting cages today. Driving range today. Getting ready for the summer.

Never answer the phone with a joke response, it never goes as you see it.

United States of Tara on the movie network is a show worth checking out if you haven't already.

Nintendo is phasing out the wii. Will they come out with a 3D gaming system in 2012?

As soon as my hair gets a little longer it begins to resemble a curly mullet. The 80's ruined my sense of style and hair.

Dudes in jogging pants. When will the madness end?

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Is there anything that's easier to make then pancakes?

I wish I owned some fighting trousers.

The Switch 6.9/10
Narnia (the new one) 4.9/10

Going to the falls today. The vibe in the casino is that everyone is profiting. When you look at all the faces in the casino you realize it's the complete opposite.

Mechanical bulls should be readily available at establishments other then country bars.

There needs to be a way that you can pick any song at any time to karaoke. My beautiful lounge singing voice would like to attempt The National.

You can always tell when the song you hear is an American Idol contestant. One of my favorite things about music is the emotion that goes with the vocals. Axl Rose was one of the best at this. When you hear "welcome to the jungle," and those screeching vocals you get goosebumps. Axl would not be a finalist on American Idol though.

Hockey playoffs have started. Not feeling it so far this year. Sometimes it takes me a couple of games to get into it.

"The Killing" on AMC is a fantastic new crime drama. You should check it out if you are sick of all the CSI or NCIS garbage.

PVR busted on our Rogers box. I guess "Chuck" will have to wait for DVD.

If I was going to buy a new laptop today and I didn't want a MAC, I would buy a Samsung.

Cottage should be opening shortly. If Winter had a face I would punch it.

Soy milk has estrogen in it, maybe I can generate some pecs without working out.

As long as I have lived I have hated soccer. I will always remember the Simpsons episode when the fans are all excited for the game then the team just passes the ball around the neutral zone for an hour.

People still don't understand how great the PS3 is. Download Windows media player 11 on your desktop. check for media server on your PS3. Play movie or music wirelessly over your network.

Top 3 people I wish would go away.

3. Lindsay Lohan
2. Charlie Sheen
1. Jersey Shore People

Monday, April 11, 2011

Best thing about dressing as Tony Stark for a scifi convention. You get to be a jerk like Tony Stark and not get in trouble for it

Reason number 14 why I hate basketball. You take one player away from a team and they end up being the worst team in the league. Cleveland Cavaliers are the example. You take the two best players away from the Penguins in hockey and they can still compete for the cup.

Top 3 weathered actresses or actors

3 - Michael Keaton
2 - Angelina Jolie
1 - Cameron Diaz

All the tablets are coming or already out. I think that the Motorola XOOM is probably the best value. I will wait and see on the RIM Playbook though.

I miss golfing!!!!

How fast is Charlie Sheen going to be old news? I believe faster then Chuck Norris jokes.

Something I thought I would never hear in my life. "Daryl can you stop playing country music."

I know that I probably whine every year about how long the winter is. But, it feels like I haven't been outside for about a year without freezing.

People have lost the art of spelling. People are always so impressed when I can spell their name properly at work. I have seen the following for my name. Darryl, Darel, Darrell, Darly, and Dyral.

Swiss Chalet delivery is the finest delivery in town. They have the easiest website to navigate, and the quickest delivery service.

Sucker Punch 3.2/10
Iron Man 2 5.2/10
The Other Guys 7.8/10

Tame Impala is still on the top of my charts. There hasn't been too much that's come out to take it's place.

People put way too much pressure on themselves to have the perfect wedding. Everything has to be just right or the day is ruined. The location, the cake, her dress, or the first dance. Sara and I just celebrated our 3rd wedding anniversary. We got married in Costa Rica, we just picked a random spot on the beach. We had our dinner at a decent restaurant in Manuel Antonio. Our first dance was played out of a ghetto blaster, and the DJ was a shuffle button on a stereo. In my opinion it was such a perfect day because of the people we had there and the fact that I was with the person that I wanted to be with. I am not saying that everyone should do it this way, but you shouldn't feel that you have to have the perfect wedding. Don't be a cookie cutter, make it a memorable one in your own way.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Best time in sports is coming up soon. Start of the baseball season and the hockey playoffs.

I was never a big basketball fan, but it's sad that there is not a good team in the NBA that I can even cheer for. Maybe the Oklahoma City Thunder, maybe!!!

Does it ever hurt your brain that there is so much social networking that you can't keep up.

Junip tickets are booked. Very excited!!!

El Salvador was beautiful, Sara and I climbed a volcano, we also checked out some of the Mayan Ruins as well. The food was ok, but that is kind of standard in most South and Central American countries.

We are going to New Mexico for Sara's 30th. Never seen the old west before, looking forward to it.

Eat, Pray, Love - 7.2/10

Sucker Punch comes out this weekend. It's done by Zack Snyder (300.) It looks like a bunch of cool thoughts he had just thrown into one movie. Can he pull it off? I say yes.

Going to a fund raiser for Epilepsy this Saturday. Partying for a good cause is always fantastic.

Owning a cape is something I strive towards, I am not sure I can pull it off.

Snow storm??????

Bear in Heaven were featured in an episode of Skins. It always feels good to have a band you've known about for some time be featured in a hit show.

I understand that since we are a bilingual country we were taught to speak French. Being older now I realize that it would have been much more useful learning Spanish.

Facebook is just internet barf.

Netflix needs to up their price a month a bit, and get more new releases. They have the right idea, but advertising "I love you Beth Cooper" as a new release is just wrong.

Prosciutto Pizza is the best pizza I have had recently. They are an Italian couple that owns the pizzeria. They went to Italy and shut down the pizzeria while they were there. They didn't trust anyone else to make the pizza. Dedication!!

I find it amazing how the Japanese are dealing with the Tsunami. No riots, no insanity, and no violence. They are an amazing society.

Sushi is something I like now.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Back from Columbia, off to El Salvador in a week. Difference between the two vacations. One was extremely difficult and rewarding. The other, well I should finish a couple of books.

X-rays were negative on my arm. Thought I might have broke it in Columbia.

Is it completely ludicrous how much detail TSN goes into on trade deadline day?

Sunday was a write off. Felt like I was going to die most of the day.

Invictus - 8.3/10
Unstoppable 9/10
Let me in 7.4/10

Spring training has started for baseball. I can't wait to get that first whiff of street meat and the first call of play ball.

I find Canadian TV is turning more and more into American TV. Always trying to terrify you that awful things are everywhere. If you don't get this shot you will die on your all inclusive vacation in the Caribbean.

Traveling to the Lost City in Columbia was intense. You have to climb 1256 stairs to reach the top. The city has the most beautiful scenery, and interesting history behind it. The travel to the Lost City took a total of six days, and has the same difficulty rating as climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro. I am impressed that I managed to finish it without any serious injury, but I don't think I would ever do anything that treacherous ever again.

The Walking Dead is definitely worth checking out if are looking for a show to capture your interest. I find it nice not having the gore aspect of the zombies, but mainly the human side of things instead.

Bob Marley never really loses it's flavor. Meanwhile ACDC loses it's flavor faster then Big League Chew.

Could have went skating outside today. I forgot how crappy freezing rain was.

I still don't understand rugby. I find it comical watching the scrum.

Juan Valdez look a likes were everywhere in Columbia. There was one dude that had the best mustache that I have ever seen. He sat down on the bench across the road, and there were two ladies that were drawn into the magical mustache powers. I had to keep Sara seated.

Donkey's are Columbia's national animal. This might be false, but they are everywhere.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The Green Bay Packers are Superbowl Champs. I haven't had a moral team victory like this since the last time they won it in '97. It feels pretty good.

The show "V" is good, but it makes the human race look extremely stupid. I believe there would be more people asking questions on why the aliens are helping us so much?

White Lies single "Bigger Than Us" is currently my favorite song.

It's raining nearly everyday that we will be in Colombia.

Tooth was removed yesterday, actually not in too much pain today.

So parents are attempting to get the show "skins" off of the air. I find it funny that parents really think they have any control over what their kids watch. The internet has prevented any control whatsoever.

April Wine is playing at the local Paddyfest this year. Hmmmm, attending an April Wine concert will put me in that group of people that attends concerts at Lulu's, and thinks Red Lobster is a gourmet night out.

Went to Niagara Falls on Friday night. There was a fantastic promotion through travelzoo which is still currently on. Fallsview room, dinner for two at the Remington Steakhouse, breakfast for two at Applebees, and multiple VIP wine tasting. All for $99.99.

As a male gender we always try to put a sexual spin on everything. Even great female athletes, good at tennis, golf, or even race car driving you must be in a maxim magazine to be noticed.

This winter has been awful. Even living in a townhouse complex I have had to shovel to the point where I am whining about it.

Tylenol 3 makes you so dimwitted.

Vampire phase has slowed down a bit it seems. Next bandwagon genre; I have my money on witchcraft.

Potato chips are still my biggest downfall.

I find it funny that they have snack packs that are 100 calories for almost everything now. Just eat a few less doritos and two less cookies and you wouldn't have to pay for the small pack.

My goatee has become gigantic. If I shave off my goatee and just keep the mustache, buy a white suit, and wear white loafers with no socks they would believe I was the next Tony Montana.

Monday, January 31, 2011

So today it looks nice enough outside. Until you go outside.

Packers are in the Superbowl, who would have thunk it in the middle of the year when they lost so many people to injury?

Root canal tomorrow. Never had one and am not looking forward to it.

Is it a rule that Alec Baldwin has to win the SAG award for his role in 30 Rock every year?

Spring training is in about a month, the thought of baseball is the thought of spring which makes me happy.

The Kids are all right - 8.2/10
R.E.D. - 7.3/10

Egypt has shut down the internet. How does a country go about doing this?

Sara has decided that she wants to go to Iceland for her 30th birthday. If anything it will definitely be memorable.

Do dentists really have to make you feel so guilty everytime you go see them?

Oh your $400.00 laptop doesn 't run very quickly. This is the same as saying, oh I can't believe your '82 Camaro doesn't get very good gas mileage.

What's worse family picture slide shows or vacation slide shows?

The Bauer Kitchen gets another mention. Dinner and service there has been fantastic each and everytime we have been there.

Going to see Plants and Animals in March at the Starlight for those that are interested.

Caribou is not playing at the starlight in March. The Orange Monkey Vinyl shop hasn't updated their website in over 2 years and it's old news.

Coffee mugs are always a great gift.

I have stopped going to Tim Horton's almost completely. I can honestly say that I do not miss it whatsoever.

Sports casters aren't very creative anymore with their nicknames. A-Rod, K-Rod, Cargo. They should do more then just take letters from each name and add them together. Like Tiger Woods "Slut."

I always want to say that Radiohead is overrated, but I just can't do it, they are an amazing act.

"Episodes" is a new show on HBO that stars Matt Leblanc as himself. But he is portraying himself after finishing the Friends show and he is arrogant and full of himself. It's kind of show within a show. It's funny, and you should check it out if you enjoy the Office type humor.

Ben Roethlisberger looks like American Dad with a beard.

Someone already beat me to the punch that Steven Tyler looks like a woman now. He might even be better looking then Cher.

The old saying is still true. Hockey will not work in warm climates unless it's a city with a huge population. Like for instance Los Angeles.

Johnnie Vegas is a name of a golfer. Shouldn't this be the name of a poker player?

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Packers play in the NFC Championship tomorrow. If this was last year I would be flipping out for not being in the country for the Superbowl. But I am in the country for Superbowl, is it fate??

The Social Network - 9.5/10

Vernon Wells was dealt yesterday, What were the Angels thinking?

How come everybody looks so serious on poker commercials?

Bermuda was nice, the temperature was only about 15 degrees, but it was nice to get some sunshine.

Sara finished her half marathon, she worked extremely hard and it paid off.

I believe people need to get more vitamin d. So many people are grumpy lately.

"V" has really turned it up a notch this season. It actually gives me something to look forward to watch each week.

Ordered the trial edition of Netflix. Love the format of it, but everything is outdated. Is it still worth $8.00 a month, maybe?

Butt implants, what? Why?

Ricky Gervais is who I strive to be. He can say whatever he wants at the Golden Globes, and everyone just says oh it's just Ricky Gervais.

An old man told me yesterday that he got into a fight at a bar. The dude punched him and broke his false teeth. He then told me after he got his false teeth broken that he pounded the dude until he required to be taken to the hospital. This dude was minimum 60 and maximum 70. Why would you tell this story to anyone, especially a salesman at Future Shop?

Mango curry should be more recognized.

Jesse Eisenberg is what Michael Cera should have become.

Grapes are $7.99 a lb in Bermuda.

Our flight to LA has been canceled due to lack of interest. I call BS, I believe it was because the deal was too good and wasn't worth it for them.

When you have technology issues, google the issues that you are having. Guaranteed you aren't the first one to have this problem, and I guarantee if you call someone at an electronics store they will give you a runaround answer.

One of the salesman at FS left the company yesterday and bought everybody in the store a going away present. Very classy and very unexpected.

What is the age when you can still get a way with wearing a mo-hawk?

Packers 21 - Bears 10
Jets 17 - Steelers 10

I believe it should be illegal to have an alarm clock going off in any show or commercial. That noise makes me quiver.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Packers have made it to the 2nd round of the playoffs and the Flyers lead the Eastern Conference in points. It's good to be me right now.

MC'd a wedding on the weekend. It was successful, the wedding was beautiful and the reception went perfect. Thanks to everyone that was there and enjoyed the day.

Bob's Burgers - 8.1/10 - New animated show that's on in between American Dad and the Simpsons.

Leaving for Bermuda in a few days for Sara to run her half marathon. Looking forward to some warm sunshine and a few margarita's.

Making homemade pizza is so bloody easy. Why hasn't anyone shown me this before?

Christmas season was a semi-success. I lived through another season, but the body takes a beating in the hectic pace.

New Years Eve was a great time other then the fact that I left both Sara's dress and my suit at the house. We had to go for an emergency shopping session at a local mall. We made out fine. But it was a little stressful.

Finally opened a bottle of wine that I received from the family for my birthday, delicious. I was a little selfish opening it when Sara could only have 1 glass because of her training.

I am really behind in my movie watching lately.

Top 3 movies that I need to watch before Oscar Season.

3. True Grit
2. The Fighter
1. Social Network

Interpol is coming to Toronto in the middle of February. I am away in Columbia, but if you haven't seen them before, they are a very good live band.

I will be around for the superbowl though for the first time in two years.

Natalie Portman and Mila Kunis have a scene in Black Swan that is causing a stir. I will leave it at that.

It's got to be tough to be the band Korn, you still have to keep rocking about being an outsider in high school even though you are in your 40's now.

Time Travel will never exist.

It is so difficult to eat fast food. Anything you buy seems to have some type of disadvantage to it. Subway, cold cuts cause stomach cancer. Burger joints, the obvious deep fried garbage element. Maybe I should just pick some grass off of the sidewalk and just have that.

Soup is the most underrated of all meals. When we went to Italy last year, the soup and the prosciutto were the best foods of the trip.

The city pulse dude passed away recently. I was very sad. When I was younger and staying up too late, it was always his voice that you heard when you knew you were up to late.

Sorry to say, but Starbucks is pompous.

Happy New Year Everyone.